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I think a lot of what Howard feels towards Stuart living with his mom is projection, along with just being disturbed at the idea of his mom being with someone his age. After all, Howard lived with his mom long into his adulthood, having her dote on him completely.

Misty Miller

If you recall, back in season 3, Penny went to a psychic who said if she cut her hair she'd get a big part. 5 seasons later, it finally happened.

Shannon Hartman

And this one is The Locomotion Interruption, not The Matrimonial Momentum. Easy mistake. Just a season ahead.

Shannon Hartman

Oh my goodness, I never connected the two!! I love the hair. I'm a big fan of short hair on girls. Especially when they go from long to so short. It takes a lot of guts! I think the short hair suits her.

Josh Z

I believe the haircut was Kaley making a personal choice, it is jarring but I think it highlights her face more which is nice.

Natasha G

Trying not to spoil. But Penny's haircut/career interest change, and Stuart living with Debbie is just the tip of the iceberg in some of the character development stuff happening this season <3

Shannon Hartman

Always have to watch The Big Bang Theory reactions several times, so rant I haven’t gotten into yet (I don’t think, anyway). I understand how much Howard loves his mother. I truly do. I’ve always detested how he speaks about her though. I can’t think of any mother that would be okay with their beloved son speaking about her like that. Yes, she’s overbearing, and ridiculous at times, but it’s out of love. Think this stuff, but you don’t say it aloud. It’s just so incredibly disrespectful. How can you expect others to have respect for her, if you, her child doesn’t. That said, I do also understand Howard being freaked out by Stuart’s relationship with Debbie. It’s a bit weird. He also, not long ago, admitted that he felt he was the reason his mother never had another relationship after his father, and he just wants her to be happy. I doubt Stuart and she have THAT kind of relationship, but still, leave her alone. The part that has me yelling at the tv is “this is MY house!” No it damn well isn’t Howard’s house! It’s his mother’s house! My parents house is NOT mine! And Howard has no right to claim it as his own, no matter if he and Bernadette were even living there. I feel like someone needed to smack the daylight out of him on that one. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Okay, Howard rant over!