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I think what you were trying to say is that this series has the most interesting concept, maybe? To be honest it's probably the MCU/Disney+ show I'm liking the least so far (yeah, even less than Secret Invasion), mostly because I don't think the script is very strong and it's too convoluted for my taste, and a bit repetitive at the same time (we're one season and a half in and I feel like most of the time we're going through the same stuff over and over again). I also don't like how it's called Loki but the show has barely been about him (Iast week's episode was one of my favourites because it actually justified having Loki as the protagonist, both with the use of his powers and the questioning of his morality). That's not to say I don't like the series. The cast, the set design and the OST are amazing, and I'm never bored while watching. It's just that all the other shows have appealed more to me either from a narrative or an emotional point of view (or both).


I think so, yeah. I think if the entirety of season 2 was just OB banter it'd be great xD And I find Sylvie's arc fascinating