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Link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/eggzw7vm

Commentary: https://youtu.be/gxNnszLS5Kc?t=696


Zuko Halliwell

I've been waiting for you to react to this episode for a while. I love the card trick storyline. 😂 Also, I'm curious to see what your opinion of Priya is in 4x21.

Natasha G

I often quote "Believe in magic, you muggle!" Honestly one of my FAVORITE Howard lines, lmfao. And I will admit I remember that this episode is the episode that made me start to dislike Priya. You should NEVER feel awkward about being yourself in a relationship, or remotely bad for it!


"Believe in magic, you muggle" is FANTASTIC! Priya does start to grate on me!