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4x5 The Desperation Emanation


Shannon Hartman

Forgot to add, Penny wasn’t in this episode, and won’t be in the next either because Kaley Cuoco got into a horseback riding accident. Her horse got spooked and threw her off, and when he tried to jump over her, he landed on her leg crushing it. Doctors, at first thought they would need to amputate, it was so bad, but after two surgeries, she made a full recovery. It’s never brought into the show. She stands behind a counter or something to hide it until she’s healed. She’s back on her feet very quickly.

Josh Z

I figured that Bernadette chose someone horrible on purpose because she secretly hopes he will work things out with Penny, and she didn't want to bring someone who might steal Leonard's heart.

Shannon Hartman

Ohh, that is a possibility. The "Isn't she a pip?!?" always threw me though, because NO...NO, she is NOT a pip!! lol

Natasha G

yeah I remember being REALLY worried for her, so thankful she was all right. And she started riding. again!