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My dear patreons:

I'm speechless now. We're on this horrible global crisis, were basically everything has been said, but is never enough.

I hope all of you, your families, friends, relatives, are safe. I'm being literal here. I'm really worried about you and thinking about how this problem, directly, or any related or collateral government may affect you in any way.

I don't really want to talk about this problem explicitly. As some of you may know, Patreon Rules changed a lot. Many other websited changed or reacted about this issue with censorship. So, please, I will ask you to stay in touch with me via e-mail:

I'm sorry for the long, longest absence in Patreon (and any other social media I have). The last two month has been horrible for me. Gladly, my mother, my family and relatives are good. They have good health. They are also on quarantine. 

My problem has been specifically about time, risk and work. I'm from Chile, and everything started to be pretty bad on february, since our boss (our national bank) started to accelerate and duplicate our work load, since on march it would be possible, or may I say, inevitable, to have problems to keep our normal functions.

In short, the problem was our government put our quarantine as OPTIONAL for our employers... And yeah. My employer decided I still had to go to work.

My country started to get more and more cases. We're currently on nomber 29, but our medical system may be one of the worst ones in there... As a result, I worked even on saturday an sunday. I was more time in the office that on my house. I couldn't draw anything. I felt and I still feel terrible for this. Specially, because I WANT to draw. Like never before, I know people enjoy my drawing and my content. I never wanted to stop...

So, yesterday, my president finally put SEVEN DAYS of OBLIGATORY quarantine. The last three days I worked and also bring all the work folders (moran 120, just for me) to my house. So, now my house is a mess, with folders on the floor and the table... But I'm in home, finally. I don't know if I'm ok. I don't have any symptom, but the important thing It's I'm on quarintine, inside a house, and my mother is in another place, and safe. I'll not move from here, so I hope everything it's ok. I'll not be a problem for anyone, too. 

Thank you! I will not stop to thank you for all your help. Please, stay safe. 

Please, tell me how are you doing! How are you dealing with this?? I know some of you are from countrys with bigger numbers on every category. I'm worried about you, too!

I'll use this weekend to marathon-drawing! So, please, stay tune!!!





Please stay safe <3


Be safe.