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Quick update on what's going on.  Due to a *fellow employee* at work I have been saddled with an extra work load. When that workload is vehicle service and maintenance it's very labor-intensive. To further explain, this employee is as unreliable as they come. He continuously calls in sick, and when he is at work he's slow to work and will leave his post. The problem is he don't have any new applicants so until we can get a new worker hired, we're stuck with him and I'm stuck covering his shifts. This has been going on since I returned to work after covid. Needless to say, I've been extra tired and slow(er) to post. But I will catch up with everyone and everything. Just giving a heads up.


Sgt. Buck

Don't I know how that goes. Dealt with plenty of unreliable people in kitchens.


*many pats* Keep ya chin up mate