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Raulec is clearly inspired by Corvo Attano from the Dishonored game. For those who haven't play it yet, go and try it. Probably the best stealth game I've played in a long while.




Either way.. Gerv's stronk body can take it, since we got a preview of his strength on his Chimera form, so.. 🙏


Raulec has accounted for that. His blade is made specifically to kill chimeras.


I really hope that he doesn’t get too seriously hurt in this one. 🤞🤞


Oop, that's a bit of a pickle he's in


Wait. I thought the Cragenwall Commander wanted to have a in person conversation with Gervic. Also, I hope this is one of the times Vlagg or Herinn comes in. This could get really ugly if it is left to continue. Even if Gervic wins, that's another higher up he's killed and Vlagg and Herin won't be too happy about that without a witness to back Gervic up. Kick his dragon butt Gervic! Don't let him get to you!


Fucking love dishonored! Love the intergation of it!