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Please Drop bob for the evil that he did to gervic 🙏😖🙏


Oh shut up Bob 🙄 Also.. Wonderful update! ✨

Darkmoor Runebane

The dialogue is pretty awesome and on point, though "before your story began" would make more sense as it points to past events (history), and something like "now your adventure will begin" is an event in the present moment.


Well bob makes a good point if the storyline begin from Bobs point of view and Bobs life yeah bob would have looked like a hero but even a hero would torture or harm like what bob did and yeah i am upset with bob and do wish he gets to go back to suffer in the kitchen not even a hero would kill right now so i hope that gervic has the maturity to make the right choice he does have to hurt kill or torture just like what bob did becuase if that is the stuff that bob did to make himself evil wont it make gervic evil too (mostly becuase gervic said he had no choice i wouldnt say it all his fault just like vlagg gave gervic a chance i am sure gervic gave bob a chance and this momet is very big turning point in the story too) i hope gervic does the right thing even tho bob is probably gonna try and get gervic in the back and gervic will be forced to take bob out for that on with in the next page or 2


sorry for the vague long dialog 😶 but i am ngl this story does make me wonder would happen next; because i am still surprised and captivated by the story and hoping for the best outcome for everyone


OOOO Now Im hella curious what shit Gervic did


Now I just want Bob to die because I'm sick of his lectures.


Whew you gotta put em in point form for easier reading haha. But anyway it's nice to see you're so engrossed in my comic lol


Gervic said something mean to the dragons and Bob held a grudge against him ever since.