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Awww poor Gervic. now not only did he have to get raped in the ass but now he has an even more sensitive area that he is going to get raped in... Sometime I really wish that that new years image you posted on Fa was true and I can slightly quell my fury towards bob. He is even calling Gervic an it! and not feel super bad for Gervic :( I really hope bob gets whats due to him. Being put into the kitchen isnt enough Also quick question.. So wolve's dont like Chimeras and don't allow them in their land... But dragons do like them? or is it because they view chimera's as whores that they allow them? I'm trying to understand the whole chimera thing in both wolf and dragon culture I can also see why Gervic never attempted to escape even during this whole ordeal not including the whole 'monster' thing. It seems as long as he is around sex he can be kept docile so he wouldn't need shackles or anything to keep him from escaping or fighting bob. I was thinking that he could've easily fought bob before the whole pheromone thing but he was stuck up on the chimera transformation and missed his opportunity


I feel bad for him but at the same time 👀💦🔥🔥🔥


Chimeras are generally discriminated against in most places, including dragons and wolves. So you see, Gervic can't escape not just because he's surrounded by enemy troops, he don't even have anywhere to go anymore. Also I know Bob being in the kitchen is a very light punishment but remember that he is from a somewhat powerful clan and you know powerful people always get away with their crimes with a slap on their wrist.


yeahhh unfortunately bobs in a good position to just get that slap on the wrist.


Haha true but for the next pages I am not planning on drawing rape scenes in detail anymore. It's becoming quite disturbing for me.


Yes or no question was bobs enslavement that bad were he became this disturbed


Bob did not get enslaved in the past. He just went through a traumatic event where he lost many people he held dear to him and that broke him.


Is grevic Gona get smashed hard and get addicted to dragon men


also are most dragons gay the know grevics a dude chemira hybrid and yet the have sex with him


also in the comments section guys lmk if you guys think that grevic or any of the dragons ever had passionate sex during his imprisonment