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Hello everyone!

As promised, I am back after 2-3 weeks. I've been busy and super productive!

Speedrunning presentation

The rehearsal presentation is this Friday! I'm definitely nervous. My presentation is fully done, but I haven't properly rehearsed it yet. I have a mild concern that it might be like 70 minutes long and I'll have to cut. Maybe because my girlfriend is absolutely convinced that's gonna happen.

Here's a sample of 16 of the 68 slides:

It was fun to make, if a little challenging. I've never really made a slideshow before, so I did my best to do it right on the first try!

SM64 ABC History Part 6

After I finished my presentation, I got to work on Part 6's script. I had half a page written from when I spent a few days at my parents' place, but other than that, I started working on it last Thursday or Friday. 

And work on it I did! I already have 6951 words, which approximately represents 72% of the script. So, a rough estimate places the total length at 9600 words, or about 48 minutes, give or take.

With this much of the structure already laid out, I can give a 100% sure answer that there will be a Part 7, and there's a good chance it will be the last one.

Last update, I also said I would try to make a schedule once I'd have a decent idea of the structure of the whole thing and how much effort each section represents. Well, the script is mostly written, so that moment is now! I therefore present you my current production schedule. If you have trouble reading it, I will post a higher resolution version over on Discord.

What's that? Do I spy a release on July 6th?

So, yeah. It turns out, if I work well, if I'm motivated, if I don't fall behind, it is very possible for me to finish the video before I leave for Germany. Crazy, isn't it? It feels super motivating to see I could do it if I really gave it my best.

Note that the days that are grayed out are days where I'm fully booked with something else and unavailable to work. I kept my Sundays free and my Tuesdays mostly reserved for editing Kosmic's Romhack Wednesdays videos, which usually only take me 2-4 hours each. I have friends over next week and a commitment on Friday the 10th so I limited my workload to short recording sessions with no editing. I also sprinkled an odd extra day here and there to give some more breathing room.

As you can see, if I miss the July 6th deadline, chances are the video's coming out in August. I could maybe make a bit of room to release it on the 11th or 12th but I'd rather be focusing on the Germany trip then.

Also, this schedule implies that I'm motivated and efficient. I feel very motivated these days, but we all know I have my ups and downs. There's a section in the middle of the video that's gonna be on the scale of the cloning segment of Part 2: 3000+ words, complex concepts, tons of frame by frame breakdowns that require visuals, etc. So, while I'm hoping to finish this video before August, I'm not expecting it. I hope you can all understand that this release date is a bit of a best case scenario, and I have a propension to woefully overestimate myself when making these schedules.

Production streams

For this part's production streams, I will again try to aim for Saturdays, so at a glance, dates like the 11th and 25th, or the 18th and July 2nd, for instance, might work. I'll let you know a few days to a week in advance when those will be. Streaming production helps me focus a lot harder because I don't let myself drift off on YouTube, Twitter, Discord, Twitch or reddit. I find those streams super beneficial for my morale, because I get so much done that it boosts my confidence and energy level.

That's it for now! I hope you guys are excited as I am for the near future. I hope you have a great week, and I'll see you when I have something good to show. Hopefully this Saturday!


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