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Zen Reflection - Video Game Collection


Felipe Aranda

I think it would be fun to watch your Breath of the Wild journey on stream!!


I loved seeing your collection. Mine is quite a bit bigger, but that's probably because I've never sold any of my games, haha. I concur with Felipe! I would love to see you play BotW when you get around to it. Thanks for showing us.


Oh I though they were books 😭


Don’t worry, this isn’t what was behind me, those were books. I will talk about them tomorrow on my Q and A. Take care!


I always seem to find a good reason at the time to trade games in but I kinda wish I still had every game I ever owned, plus I’m with everyone else I’m surprised you haven’t started BOTW I’d love to see it on stream if it’s in the cards if not no worries


Question r u thinking of getting the last of us 2? Cause OMG I love the first one so much and cant wait till the other comes out 😁


Thanks, I am going to try and get my Switch set up properly and give it a try in the future! Take care!


A lot of people seem interesting in Breath of The Wild, so I will try and make it happen! Thanks Matt, take care!


Yeah, I would have so many more games if I had never traded anything in. I am going to make that BOTW stream happen, everyone seems excited for it. Thanks, take care


I am definitely going to play it, though I worry for Joel's fate. Thanks, take care!