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Heyo folks! I know I haven't been posting here as much lately, so I want to work to make this Patreon a bit more into what it basically is atm, so that no one feels like they are being tricked out of their money or anything like that.

Im going to be shifting this into being a 'Tip Jar' to help fun the various forms of content I create.

-Art and Character Development
-Twitch Streaming
-YouTube Content
-Community Engagement

Im going to adjust the Tiers as well to accommodate that, though the Discord rolls will still be available, as well as the Patron Exclusive sections. These sections will still be used to help promptly communicate with all of you, so if you're NOT in the discord yet, I highly recommend joining it, and my other social medias through the link below.


I'll be doing my best to keep you all updated in a timely manner! Thank you again so much for your support!


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