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“Honestly Nymphadora, with the way you are going, I will give you a sibling before you get me a grandchild.” Tonks heard her mother say in an exasperated tone of voice.

They were taking a leisurely stroll through the park in a muggle part of London. It was not the most exciting way to pass her lunch break, but Tonks figured she ought to spend some time catching up with her mother. Ever since Tonks graduated from Hogwarts and became an Auror, they had less and less time to spend time as a family.

Not that Tonks minded that, truth be told. She could do without constant nagging about kids and her lack of thereof.

It’s not like Tonks hated the idea of getting impregnated with a cute little girl or two. It’s just so damn hard to find a bloke get down and dirty for long enough to actually make a kid. Even in her seventh year, when she was following after Charlie Weasley like a lost little duckling, the damn ginger bastard had only dragons on his mind.

Way to give a girl a complex.

Tonks frowned, feeling the instinctive magic she had been born with flow through her body, subtly altering little details here and there. Being metamorphmagus may have played hell on her sense of balance and coordination, but it certainly helped her look good.

Tonks could look like anyone, could alter her form and proportions to look like any man’s and many women’s wet dream. She did have a default look she stuck to for the sake of others being able to recognize her, but considering that Tonks had modelled it off her mother’s appearance, it was still a look that lesser witches would have killed for.

She was slightly taller than average at 5.7, with shoulder length bubblegum pink hair, lovely heart-shaped face and full kissable lips. Her front and back were nothing to sneeze at either. Everything was large and fit and perky. Another perk of being a metamorphmagus - she didn’t have to fear any sagging or cellulite.

So why did Tonks have such lousy luck attracting wizards?

“I am only 25, Mum.” Tonks said, rolling her eyes and hoping she sounded more dismissive than she felt. “I have plenty of time to get dicked down by a powerful wizard when I am not so busy with my career.”

Andromeda snorted.

“Darling, I have heard such things from plenty of fine witches and then watched them grow up into spinsters. It only seems like you have time, but before you know it you are a hundred years old, spending an hour each morning shapeshifting away all the wrinkles!” Andromeda shook her head. “It's not like you are without options. Thing’s didn’t work out with Charlie? Fine, the boy has five brothers! And I am sure there are other prospective studs in Hogwarts.”

Tonks narrowed her eyes.

“What’s it with you suddenly trying to push me onto some younger bloke?” She asked.

“Well, I figured you were having issues with studs your age or older, maybe going for a younger model is the right course.” Andromeda smiled. “And I recall you looking quite…intrigued with Harry Potter.”

Immediately shame and irritation surged in Tonks, making her bubblegum pink hair darken into flustered red.

“It’s a real miracle you remember how I looked considering you were busy making out with the guy!” Tonks hissed. “And out of the blue, too! Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was?”

Tonks’ words were rushed, hurried things, meant to drown out and distract from the way her nipples perked up at the memory. Stumbling into Harry Potter was quite a surprise, but it was the young man’s presence that imprinted itself onto Tonks’ mind.

At first glance he was nothing special for a teenage stud. Even a little scrawny for her taste. But in that brief period of time between Tonks getting close enough and her mother sticking her tongue down Harry’s throat, Tonks was blasted with the most amazing aura she had ever encountered.

It was a wild, hungry presence that demanded Tonks’ attention and submission. It felt restrained, but only barely held back from simply overpowering Tonks’ common sense and reducing her to some sort of slag who’d offer herself up to anything a wizard might have wanted to do with her.

That was certainly what Potter’s presence had done to her mother!

Andromeda Tonks, formerly Black, at least had the good graces to look sheepish.

“I must have put you in quite a spot, haven’t I?” She said apologetically. “It was just…He was just so-”

“I get it.” Tonks cut her off. “He was quite a man despite his age.”

She really did get it. It may have been brief and perhaps the suddenness of the situation made things look a lot bigger than they really were, but by Morgana, Potter looked like he had something as thick as her wrist between his legs.

Tonks sighed.

“I just wish we didn't leave so abruptly. The poor guy must have been so confused.”

For a bit the mother daughter duo walked in silence through the park. It was a warm August day. The gentle heat of the summer sun was balanced perfectly by the gentle breeze playing through the leaves.

Suddenly Andromeda stopped.

Tonks felt her mother tense. Her hand flashed towards her wand holster in a trained move, ready for danger. Then it hit her and all thoughts of violence were forgotten, replaced by shame, surprise and anticipation.

“How…fortuitous.” Andromeda murmured, her voice already growing sultry. “It seems we’ll have a good opportunity to…make up for our uncouth behaviour.”

Tonks, dazed, could only nod.

Harry Potter was sitting on a bench, staring at the ducks swimming in the pond.

It had been a year since their previous run in with him and that year had done wonders for the guy. He was still on the slimmer side of things, but now he no longer looked scrawny and underfed, but fit and healthy, with tight muscles fit for a swimmer, a runner, or a quidditch player.

Tonks glanced at her mother, who was approaching Harry Potter, top two buttons of her blouse suspiciously open. She was showing off quite a lot of her impressive cleavage, her large mature breasts held back by a scarlet bra.

Andromeda Tonks was on a warpath, her hips swaying as she approached her current target.

Tonks just hoped their little 'apology' would not result in some sort of scandal.


"Gluuurgkh, glurgkh, glurgkh!" Tonks could hear her mother choke and gag on Harry’s cock.

It was almost remarkable how little it took for Harry to get Andromeda on her knees, her luscious lips wrapped around his cock.

Harry groaned in pleasure, breaking their liplock, but leaving a strand of saliva connecting their lips. He was panting, breathing hard as if he had just ran a marathon instead of receiving the sloppiest blowjob Tonks had ever witnessed.

They were alone in this corner of the park, so all three wore very little. Tonks, for example, had divested herself of all of her clothes, save for the black choker that was meant to draw male eyes to the delicate pale skin of her throat.

Tonks had hoped to entice Harry into snapping her choker through brutal throatfucking a go, but Andromeda had beaten her to the punch. That slut of a MILF had dropped to her knees at the first opportunity and all but inhaled Harry’s humongous cock.

Tonks was conflicted. On one hand, sitting in Harry’s lap, making out with the young man and feeling his dominant male magic penetrate her body and soul was not a bad consolation prize. It certainly gave Tonks plenty of time to fill up Harry's young fit muscles.

On the other hand, after making such a fuss about Tonks’ lacking romantic life, Andromeda really wasn’t helping her case by butting into what could have been Tonks’ impregnation!

“Bitch.” Tonks muttered spitefully.

Harry narrowed his eyes and looked at Tonks.

“Excuse you?” He asked and cupped one of Tonks’ buttocks, his fingers lightly squeezing Tonks’ rump.

The young auror hesitated for a moment, before letting her frustration out.

“Just because she has more experience than me, doesn’t mean she is the better woman.” Tonks said. “She stole the first go at your penis, because she knew if I went first, you wouldn’t even look at her afterwards.”

Andromeda moved to protest, but a move from Harry stopped her and without any other thought, Andromeda returned to sloppily pleasuring Harry’s penis.

“Bold words.” Harry squeezed Tonks’ ass harder. “What makes you so sure?”

Tonks grinned. It was time to show off her metamorphmagus powers. With a simple thought, Tonks sent a wave of magic rushing through her body. She enlarged her tits, without losing any of the perkiness, made her face older and slightly more aristocratic with higher cheekbones and smattering of crows feet in the corners of her eyes, changed her height to amazonian 1.93 m and finally shifted her normally pink hair into a mane of copper coloured hair.

Tonks now looked like her boss - Amelia Bones.

Harry gaped at the sight. He surely had seen little changes here and there, particularly Tonks’ hair colour, but there was no comparison between simple cosmetic alterations and making yourself look like a completely different person.

“Is it to your liking?” Tonks asked using her boss’ voice, though in a seductive tone, that surely Amelia Bones would never use. “I think you will fit right in with the Auror Department, Mr Potter.”

Was it the slightly older look? Or maybe the formidable physicality that was so different compared to Harry's usual fare? Perhaps it was  the reddish colour of her hair that on a subconscious level reminded Harry of someone else?

Whatever the reason, when Harry saw Tonks' new look, his cock, still lodged deep down Andromeda's gullet, twitched and throbbed with renewed eagerness and hunger for female flesh.

Andromeda, the slut, groaned, her voice muffled by the dick. She could sense the turning of the tide and was determined to oppose it. Tonks' mother might have talked a good game about supporting her daughter in her pursuit of a man, but here and now, with such a specimen of young virile masculinity throbbing with need….well, Andromeda was a woman and a selfish, whorish slut before she was a mother.

Slowly and with clear reluctance, Andromeda pulled away from Harry's cock. Immediately she grabbed the manhood in front of her with both her hands and began stroking it as if loathing the idea of such magnificent cock suffering without feminine care and attention.

"Nymphadora, dear. Are you really so desperate as to try to entice a man with another woman's charms? Andromeda said, her voice still rough and coarse from the intense throat fucking she subjected herself to.

Tonks, tired of her mother's shit, bit back a scream of frustration. Instead she hopped off Harry's lap, grabbed her mother by her dark brown locks and with Amelia Bones' amazonian strength impaled her mercilessly on Harry's throbbing cock.

Andromeda might have been an experienced cocksucker, but usually she set the pace of her dalliances. Never before had she been forced onto a man's penis so roughly. The closest had been Sirius when he knocked her up with Nymphadora, but even that experience was mild compared to what was happening now.

Immediately Andromeda began to choke and gag, her throat unable to accommodate so much man meat so quickly. Tear formed in the corners of her eyes, while drool dripped down onto her massive tits.

"Shut your whore mouth." Tonks snarled as she pushed and pulled her mother's head, dark glee clear in her eyes. "This is the only thing your mouth is good for."

There was no fight in Andromeda now. She could only take what her daughter was dishing out.


Harry smirked as he watched Tonks abuse her own mother - Harry's newest slut. It was novel to think of such a gorgeous woman, who commanded such presence when Harry had first met her, as nothing more than a convenient toy to slake his lusts with.

Still, ever since Professor McGonnagal had opened his eyes to the truth of his origins and, more importantly, taken his virginity, Harry found himself changing.

No longer did he cringe away from the attention of women. On the contrary, now he was like a child given free reign in the candy shop.

He was pumping his hips now, pistoning his cock in and out Andromeda's right wet throat. The blowjob she'd given him was enjoyable, but it was nothing compared to actually fucking her throat. The choking spasms, her throat muscles twitching and constricting around his cock sent pleasant vibrations through his dick.

It didn't take long for Tonks to wring an orgasm out of him using her own mother's throat as a disposable onahole.

"Glurgkh, glurgkh, glurgkh!" Andromeda choked and gagged as a torrent of cum flooded her throat.

Tonks was not going to let so much of Harry's cum be wasted in her mother's stomach. Neither was Harry. He pulled out his cock and started spraying the two sluts with his pungent seed, covering the mother-daughter pairs with a thick layer of his cum.

At first Andromeda let out a needy whine, disappointed to not have Harry's seed all to herself. Her vocal disappointment did not last long.

Her own daughter attacked her! Tonks captured her mother's lips, eagerly slurping up the ropes of cum Andromeda had carelessly left unattended. For a moment Andromeda sat frozen, her grey blue eyes wide with shock as she felt Nymphadora orally assault her, but indecision rapidly melted away and soon enough the mother-daughter pairs were making out, pressing and grinding their bodies together and sharing Harry's semen.

It was truly heartwarming to see such tight bonds between a mother and daughter.

Harry grinned, his cock, slick with Andromeda's spit, hardening again. It was great to be him.


The trio changed their position once again. Now Andromeda was lying on the table, enthusiastically trapped between her daughter and their new lover. Tonks was straddling her mother's face while Harry was standing between Andromeda's spread legs, his throbbing phallus poised and ready to sink into willing female flesh.

Tonks ground her pussy against her mother's face, her appearance still resembling that of Amelia Bones.

With a savage grin Tonks grabbed her mother's tits. Andromeda squealed when Tonks started pulling on and twisting her nipples. The young Auror was practically mauling the older witch's tits with carnal hunger and intensity of feelings that would have been unthinkable to her not even a few hours ago.

"Fuck her Harry!" Tonks moaned as the vibrations from Andromeda's squeals and screams made her orgasm. "Leave her a ruined wreck with nothing but your dick on her mind!"

Now how could Harry refuse an invitation like that?

He thrust his cock forward, its tip easily parting the moist folds of Andromeda’s cunt. Both Harry and Andromeda groaned in pleasure as the two finally connected. For a moment neither moved, Harry relishing the tightness of MILF’s cunt and Andromeda getting used to the sensation of being THIS full.

This equilibrium didn’t last long.

Soon, Harry and Tonks were fucking Andromeda in earnest. The older witch was trapped between the two lovers, unable to do anything but take everything the pair chose to dish out.


Harry pistoned his cock in and out of Andromeda’s clenching pussy, pulling out until only the tip remained one moment and then slamming his cock deep into Andromeda’s core, until he was balls deep, his cockhead kissing the entrance to Andromeda’s womb.

The MILF groaned and moaned, whined and whimpered, almost overwhelmed by the sensations. She couldn’t see or hear what was going on around her because of her daughter’s cunt on her face and her thighs around her head, but that only made Andromeda all the more sensitive to the tactile sensation of a young throbbing cock fucking her mature cunt like there’s no tomorrow.

Still, as pleasurable as it was, Andromeda was not broken. As great as Harry’s efforts were, they weren’t yet a match for what his godfather’s doggy cock had done to her back in the day.

Harry narrowed his eyes, feeling the limits of his endurance. If he wanted to assert himself over this bitch, he needed to do something quickly. Fortunately, there was an obvious target for his attention.

“Fuck! Fuck Fuck!” Tonks whimpered, her dominant attitude lagging in the face of her mother’s oral talents. The young Auror was half caught in her own little world of pleasure, half blind to what was happening around her.

This wouldn’t do.

“Tonks!” Harry barked, startling the young woman, who stared at him with dazed eyes. “Open your mouth!”

Understanding flashed in the young woman’s eyes. Obediently, Tonks leaned forward and parted her lips, her tongue darting out forth. Harry stuck his fingers into her mouth and immediately Tonks began swirling her tongue around his digits.

Tonks kept her eyes open, staring deep into Harry’s eyes. For some reason, it felt wrong for her to look like this. No. Not wrong, but there was a better look. With darker hair and eyes familiar shade of green….

Harry shook his head. One step at a time.

Once, Harry was satisfied with how much saliva Tonks had slathered his fingers with, he pushed his index finger against Andromeda’s anus. When his finger first touched that hole, MILF froze, fear and excitement emanating from her in waves, but once Harry’s digits started to make headway through her tight anus, Andromeda howled.

“Mmmmh!” Tonks threw her head back and moaned, enjoying the way her mother’s screams reverberated through her pussy. “That’s right Mr Potter. Defile this naughty witch, I order you!”

Harry, now penetrating both of Andromeda’s lower holes, narrowed his eyes  and looked at Tonks. Someone needed to be corrected with cock.

Orgasm was rapidly approaching. Harry could feel his balls clench and Andromeda’s cunt tighten around his cock, her pussy desperate to milk a fresh dose of cum out of him.

Now anally penetrated, Andromeda was incessant, arching her back and writhing on the table. Tonks was slapping and twisting her tits, leaving behind red marks and eliciting whines of pain and pleasure.

“Get fucked!” Harry roared and hilted himself inside his mature lover, flooding her womb with his semen.

Feeling the flood of hot seed filling her core finally pushed Andromeda over the edge. She hooked her legs behind Harry’s lower back, stopping him from possibly pulling out, Andromeda screamed into her daughter’s cunt, bringing Tonks to her final orgasm.

The trio panted and rested. All three were covered with sweat and, in the case of Tonks and Andromeda, other bodily fluids.

Once Harry recovered a bit of his strength, he leveled a stern gaze on Tonks, who shivered, sensing the pressure of his magic. She knew what was coming.

“I think the two of us should have some…private fun.” Harry said.

Images of ideas flashed before his mind’s eye. Images of a redhead woman with vivid green eyes that haunted Harry’s imagination.

Tonks swallowed, nervousness and anticipation mixing within her in equal measure.

“Yeah.” She said quietly, having a good idea of what her young lover wanted. “We sure do.”


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