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Narcissa Black sensed Bellatrix's approach before her mundane senses alerted her.

Burning cold magic that Narcissa had learned to associate with her eldest sister brushed against Narcissa's aura, snapping the youngest Black sister out of her search.

Startled, Narcissa leaned closer to the door listening for the sound of her sister's steps. There was no mistaking the familiar gait.

Narcissa swallowed nervously. She wasn't afraid of Bellatrix. She wasn't! Narcissa was just…properly cautious.

That's right!

Bellatrix would never hurt Narcissa, but the eldest Black sister had always been a very private person. She wouldn't have appreciated Narcissa rummaging through her private things even before last summer. Nowadays…after that damned night and the following scandal…Narcissa had no clue how her sister would react.

Best not to tempt fate.

Blood rushing through her body, Narcissa hurried to clean up, waving her wand all around the room. Old scrolls of parchment and empty ink pots, Hogwarts robes and more casual cloaks for Hogsmead visits flew through the air, taking the places they had before Narcissa broke into Bellatrix's room.

Magic was such a wonderful thing!

Narcissa had no idea how muggles survived without magic. Poor creatures.

Bellatrix's steps sounded louder,

Narcissa threw one last look at the pile of parchment she had been rifling through z even as her mind raced to come up with a plausible excuse.

Bellatrix's notes were…concerning. Brief notes about some of the most important Slytherin upper years were interspersed with small doodles of hearts and other…more obscene things.

Narcissa's normally pale cheeks gained a healthy rosy blush.

Was…was Bellatrix in love with someone?


Narcissa discarded this idea as soon as it occurred to her. Bellatrix was many things and Narcissa could imagine her in almost any role.

But not that of a lovestruck maiden.

So what did these notes mean -

"Heyya Cissy!" Bellatrix crooned as she barged into the room. Her eyes flickered from corner to corner. "I've been looking for you…everywhere!"

The last word was said with such husky sensuality that Narcissa felt heat rise to the tips of her ears.

"I hope the search didn't waste your time." Narcissa said, hopefully sounding more sure than she felt. "There is something we must discuss."

Bellatrix's smile got even wider, gaining a predatory quality that set Narcissa on edge. Despite wearing her Hogwarts uniform and holding her wand, Narcissa had never felt so vulnerable, so exposed to another person's eyes.

Narcissa felt her core moisten and her nipples stiffen.

Why did it turn her on?

She was not some child - she knew what her body's response meant. But she wasn't some Knockturn Alley slattern. She wasn't! Narcissa Black was a proper Pureblood lady and when time was right, she would become the Lady of House Malfoy.

In this moment the unspoken promise lurking deep in Bellatrix's blue grey eyes excited Narcissa more than all of her planned out future with Lucius Malfoy.

If Bellatrix was aware of the turmoil in her little sister's heart, she showed no sign of it. Instead, she gently brushed away the stray strand of Narcissa's platinum blonde hair, traced the line of her face before firmly grasping her jaw.

"And what does mommy dear want from me?" Bellatrix asked, one of her eyebrows raised.

Narcissa pouted. Just because Bellatrix was correct, doesn't mean it was right to say it so bluntly. She could have come on her own initiative and not just because mother had asked her to.

"She is worried!" Narcissa said. "Aunt Walburga too and so do Father and Grandfather." She added quietly. "I worry too, sister. Ever since that summer night you've been…erratic."

"And what's that supposed to mean? Isn't it just the usual Bellatrix behaviour?" The eldest Black sister asked.

Narcissa frowned.

"You've been…difficult for as long as I can remember. However, recently you've changed. You barely speak with us, with your family and even less so with our peers. You disappear at odd hours, spend days Merlin knows where, and-"

Narcissa hesitated. The rest could be explained away, but this…this was truly worrying.

"-and I saw you sneaking in muggle clothes!" Narcissa said, her voice a scandalised whisper.

For a moment Bellatrix looked stupefied, as if she couldn't quite believe her own eyes and ears. For a moment Narcissa held on to a sliver of hope that she was mistaken. The moment was shattered when Bellatrix started laughing.

"And you look so serious too." Bellatrix forced words through a fit of giggles. "I am shocked mother dear didn't throw a fit when she found out."

Narcissa bit her lip, looked away and mumbled:

"I haven't told her yet."

Bellatrix looked so dumbfounded, Narcissa couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

"My my my. Ickle Cissy not immediately tattling to mommy? Is this fabled 'rebellious stage'?" Bellatrix mimicked wiping away a tear and said, her voice oddly proud. "They grow up so fast."

Embarrassment surged through Narcissa, a biting comment already on the tip of her tongue. She bit back her retort.

There was something important Narcissa needed to get to the bottom of.

"Stop trying to deflect the conversation, Bellatrix." Narcissa said. "Please just tell me what you have been up to since summer. Did someone finally melt the heart of Bellatrix Black?"

Narcissa tried for humour, not truly believing there was anything to substantiate her teasing comment.

She was wrong.

A radiant blush flooded Bellatrix's cheeks. Her eyes took on a faraway look and her breathing grew shallower.

"You…might say that." Bellatrix finally responded.

Narcissa felt her sister's hips shift. She was suddenly very aware of just how suggestive their position was.

Narcissa swallowed heavily.

"Is he one of…them?" Narcissa asked. "Dark Lady's servants, I mean."

Bellatrix burst into laughter. Was it…was it the first time Narcissa heard her sister laughing so joyfully? Not since their early childhood had Narcissa seen Bellatrix being so carefree.

“No. Quite the opposite.” Bellatrix replied.

A flash of realisation hit Narcissa.

“That’s what those surnames mean.” She said, “They are families most likely to support the Dark Lady.”

Bellatrix smiled.

“Clever girl.” She said, “But alas, you know too much. It wouldn’t do for you to tell anyone about what my master has me do.”

Narcissa froze. Master? Bellatrix was a very passionate young woman, but to so brazenly proclaim her devotion….

Something must have shown on Narcissa’s face, because Bella’s smile widened.

“Oh yes. I assure you, whatever expectations….whatever standards you’ve set for men, my Master surpasses them.” Bellatrix kissed Narcissa’s neck and breathed in her younger sister’s fear, arousal and excitement. “As you’ll soon find out for yourself.”

Narcissa made token gestures of protest, of resistance, but all it did was make things a little bit more fun for Bellatrix.

“Please Bella! I-I won’t tell anybody.” Narcissa pleaded, but her words fell on deaf ears.

Instead of listening to her little sister’s pleas, Bella planted a quick peck on Narcissa's lips - the gesture too effortlessly erotic to be called chaste and said softly:

"Of course you won't, sweet sister. Not unless it benefits your new master, in any case."

Narcissa's eyes widened, but before she could do anything, Bella stunned her.


When Harry entered his office one late Friday evening, he was fully expecting to see Bellatrix, likely dressed in some sweet silky number she had discovered in a muggle magazine, gagging for another session of painal. She did after all sent him a note asking for a private meeting.

Harry had every intention of giving it to the little slut, but only after some punishment. It wouldn't do for his pets to think that they were the ones picking the music and setting the tempo of their little dances.

To put it simply, Harry was ready to find a shiny sickle only to have a golden galleon waiting for him.

"Do you like her, Master?" Bella asked, the expression on her face half excited half worried.

Not that she had anything to be concerned with - the gift she had prepared for him was magnificent.

Harry was not an idiot. When he had given the girls the challenge, Bella's advantage was apparent to him. But Harry had thought Bella would take the excuse to settle whatever twin sister drama had been going between Andromeda and her.

Harry most certainly didn't expect to see Narcissa Black, the possible mother of his once nemesis - Draco Malfoy.

The current Narcissa was a far cry from the haughty Ms, Resting Bitchface Harry remembered from the one time he had met her - the Quidditch World Cup. Not quite the voluptuous MILF from Harry's memory, this Narcissa was in the full bloom of her youth.

At eighteen, Narcissa was a very pretty young woman, with long toned legs, narrow waist, flat stomach and perky barely legal tits, which, though the smallest among the Black trio, were very nice to look at.

Harry reckoned they would be even nicer to the touch. He was all but drooling at the prospect of playing with them.

Of course, the way Bella had dolled her sister up only added to the appeal. There was not a stitch of clothing left on her. Ropes of silk criss crossed Narcissa's body, each knot and intersection placed strategically to either tease and torment the young woman's flesh or to entice the older wizard with a fat throbbing cock.

Judging by the tent Harry was pitching and the way Narcissa squirmed and mewled as arousal trickled down her thigh, the bondage attire fulfilled its duties admirably.

"She is certainly a sight." Harry said as he circled the bound woman.

Bella had certainly gone out of her way to prepare her little sister for Harry’s enjoyment. Forced by ropes and chains into a very uncomfortable position, in which Narcissa had to actively stand on the tips of her toes least she subject her pierced nipples to agonising torment, Narcissa could do nothing but sweat and shiver and silently beg Harry to spare her from this blend of agony and ecstasy.

Harry looked at the ring gag forcing Naricssa’s jaw open. Her tongue was wriggling, her spit was dripping down onto her perky barely legal breasts. Still, Harry needed Narcissa capable of speech if only for a little bit.

“Why Narcissa?” Harry asked as he caressed Narcissa’s tight bum. “I thought Andromeda would be your first pick for something like this.”

Bella shrugged and dropped on her knees in front of Harry. As she worked to unzip his trousers and free the behemoth contained within, she said:

“I want Andy’s first time to be something special.” Harry’s erect cock sprang out of its confines and smacked Bella’s cheek, much to her muffled delight. “And I figured it’s best to take Cissy in hand before she says something to mommy dearest. Narcissa is so eager to please those above her. One of her better qualities I think, so long as she is dedicated to the right person.”

Bella was nuzzling Harry’s dick, planting quick worshipful kisses along the shaft, her nimble tongue licking up abundant precum.
“Is she now?” Harry grabbed Bella by her wild mane of black hair, forced her head back and then in a single powerful thrust shoved half of his phallus down Bella’s throat. “Let’s hear what she has to say.”

After Harry removed the ring-gag, Narcissa spent some time spluttering and getting feeling back into her numb lips and jaw.

“I-I…she’s lying!” Narcissa said, stumbling over her words, though her gaze remained fixed on the sight of her big sister impaling herself on Harry’s cock. “It’s all just a misunderstanding. P-please Professor, you have to let me go!”

The last sentence sounded too much like a command, much to Bella’s indignation. The young masochistic slut moved to punish her little sister, but a quick imperious glance from Harry was all it took to have Bellatrix return to enthusiastically fellating her master.

“Didn’t anyone teach you that it’s wrong to lie?” Harry asked Narcissa and swatted her pale asscheek. The impact left behind a nice cherry red handprint. The platinum blonde Black squealed as she thrashed in her bindings. “Now, If you truly do not wish to be here, then by all means,” Harry gestured at the door to his office. “But something tells me that’s not what you want.”

Narcissa bit her lip, rubbed her thighs trying to get some relief for her needy nethers. All the time Bellatrix spent edging her left Narcissa deeply unsatisfied and in urgent need to relieve the pressure.

The young pureblood witch’s eyes kept shifting from Bella’s neck, bulging from the effort of deepthroating Harry, to the door and to Harry’s emerald eyes.

Did she want this? All her life Narcissa strove to be the perfect daughter and the ideal lady of a pureblood house. Was she really going to forsake all of this for this half-blood’s cock?

Sensing the direction of Narcissa’s thoughts, Harry pulled on Bella’s hair, forcing the little slut to let his cock go. She struggled to keep it inside, her lips forming an almost vacuum seal around it, even as her tongue went into overdrive in its eagerness to worship every square inch of Harry’s dick.

Narcissa watched, spellbound, as inch after inch of Harry’s cock appeared before her eyes.

She swallowed, knowing deep inside that there would be no going back. Not after something like this.

“Fuck me!”

“Excuse me, what?” Harry asked after Narcissa mumbled out something.

“Fuck me!” Narcissa screamed.

This was all Harry needed. His cock, slick from Bella’s eager blowjob, parted easily the folds of Narcissa’s cunt. In one sure thrust, Harry speared his newest pet, impaling her on his cock.

Harry groaned in pleasure. Narcissa didn’t know what to do, but her pussy was tight. More so than any Harry had tasted. Her cunt muscles spasmed and twitched, trying to squeeze and milk his virile seed to quench the inferno of breeding instinct blazing in her womb.

Narcissa, meanwhile, was feeling more fulfilled than she had ever done. Every twitch and throb of her Professor’s cock brought her fresh waves of carnal delight, making the young slut arch her back and curl her toes, her tongue wagging uselessly in the air.

There was only one person indignant at what she was seeing. Bella stared in outrage as her master’s cock claimed Narcissa’s no longer virginal pussy. Something he had refused to do with Bellatrix!

“Master, this is so unfair!” Bellatrix whined. “Why’s Narcissa getting her cunt fucked? She is not even participating in the challenge!”

Harry chuckled and flexed his will, forcing Bellatrix to lick and suck and nuzzle her sister’s cunt and Harry’s cock and balls.

“Because the point of the challenge is to amuse me. And right now I think it’s more fun to breed little Cissy here.” Harry said.

The two Black sisters froze as they processed their master’s words. Bellatrix had no choice but to stew in envy as she doubled her efforts in orally pleasing her master. Right now she couldn’t do anything else. Arguing would only bring the risk of displeasing Harry.

Narcissa, half mad from the pleasure, couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. She was no child, she knew what would likely happen if the Professor came inside of her. But it was one thing to know something intellectually and completely another to stare that possibility in the face.

A series of images, each one more depraved than the ones that came before, flashed before Narcissa's mind's eye. She saw herself, naked, barefoot and collared, her stomach heavy with child.

In that vision, Narcissa's breasts were larger, swollen with milk, her body was more filled out in all the right places. The expression that Vision Narcissa had was empty of any thought or worry. Instead that Narcissa looked happy, with only pleasing her master occupying her mind.

Real Narcissa's core clenched around the invading pillar of manhood. Harry was ravishing her masterfully, dominating her soft female body with his own.

Dormant instincts that all women had to various degrees, kicked in in full force. Narcissa arched her back, her eyes rolling back until one could see their whites. The young woman was throwing her ass back to meet Harry's powerful thrusts.

Each time Harry went balls deep inside of his most recent acquisition, a mini orgasm would rock the pure blood slut's body. Each climax pushed Narcissa closer and closer to the finale.

Her ass was cherry red from all the times Harry slammed his hips against her ass cheeks.

"Fuck, fuck, FUUUCK!" Narcissa screamed, her voice hoarse.

Her one smooth blonde hair was now a tangled mess similar to Bella's dark mane.

Harry felt their orgasms approaching. He could already imagine this little slut, this would be Lady Malfoy, orgasm herself silly, any possiblity of her ever becoming a lady Malfoy forever ruined by Harry's fat cock and virile seed.

With a final powerful thrust, Harry hilted himself inside of Narcissa, penetrating her past the entrance of her womb and finally the two of them let go.

It was as if Narcissa had been struck by lightning - all of her nerves were ablaze with pleasure, her muscles spasming, a fucked stupid expression on her face.

Torrents of Harry's hot cum flooded Narcissa's womb. He shot rope after rope of semen, staining once pristine space and claiming another Pureblood cunt for his own pleasure and use.

The moment Harry pulled out, Bella immediately lunged forth, her lips forming a tight seal around his cock head. She swirled her tongue, tasting the combined juices of her master and her sister. Soon she moved on from cleaning Harry's cock to scooping up his cum dripping from Narcissa's cunt.

Harry sighed, satisfied, at least for now. Who knew the sight of a young woman's pussy marked by his seed could be so alluring?

It almost made Harry consider abandoning the challenge…but no. He had plenty of time, Harry could be patient.

Speaking of which….

Harry threw a playful look in the direction of the door, which was ever so slightly ajar.

"I hope you have something up your sleeve, because this," Harry slapped Narcissa's poor ass. "Would be hard to beat."

With a loud "eep" Lily Evans abandoned her little voyeur post and fled, doubtlessly mortified.

Hopefully that lit fire under her. Harry would hate for Bella to claim the victory without effort.


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