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Chapter 1.

A familiar hand stifled a scream Lily Potter was about to let out. A moment later her husband’s cologne filled the air as he embraced her from behind.

“How do you make even the Unspeakables’ robes look fine?” James Potter asked her, his warm breath caressing her sensitive ear.

Lily moaned slightly, raising James’ hopes up, only to bite on his finger.


“What’s that for?” James hissed, after he moved away from the redhead witch. “Almost took a bit out of me.”

His index finger now sported a set of bite marks, left behind by Lily’s pearly white teeth.

Lily had no sympathy for her man.

“Serves you right for almost scaring me to death.” She scoffed. “And what if you interrupted me in the middle of an experiment? There wouldn’t be enough of our ashes left for even a thimble.”

James rolled his eyes and theatrically looked around the dimly lit office. Nothing in here tingled his Marauder senses. Just boring old bookshelves and tables with strewn all over them rolls of parchment, quills and inkwells. Merlin, Department of Muggle* had more exciting stuff lying around.

Then again, on his way here he did go past those brains….

“Don’t even think about it.” Lily threatened with an imperiously raised finger. “Those are all accounted for. If any go missing, the Department will know and worse for you, mister, I will know.”

“You are not that good of a Legilimens.” James scoffed.

Lily smiled and stepped closer, embracing him and placing a quick peck on his lips.

“I know you, dear, and I know the only way you could have come here.” Lily’s smile turned teasing. “With that, putting 2 and 2 together is so simple, even Sirius would have managed.”

James kissed her back and whispered:

“Now, now. Let’s not place too high of expectations on him. I’ve heard it’s bad for children.”

Lily snorted and leaned into James’ chest.

“Where could you have heard anything about child-rearing?”

“Well,” James said as he hugged her tighter, before his hands started wandering. “You are not the only one who’s been doing research.”

“Really now?” Lily moaned when her husband squeezed her shapely ass.

She could feel the heat begin to pool between her legs as her pussy moistened with desire. The temptation only got worse when she felt James’ cock stiffen. Even through all the bulky robes separating them, she could feel the massive rod harden, ready to do its primal duty.

“Don’t sound too surprised.” James said. “I told you, I want to be ready for our child.”

When he kissed her neck, Lily had to call on all of her reserves of willpower not to succumb to pleasure. It felt too good: his lips attacking her neck, peppering it with marks*, his facial hair scratching pleasantly against her skin. Still, they had to talk this out.

“I...I am not sure if it’s safe to have a kid during a war.” Lily turned, her emerald eyes peering into James’ hazel ones. “What if Voldemort or Death Eaters….”

James captured her lips for a long kiss.

“Why should we let that bastard rob us of our chance at happiness?” He asked Lily when they let go of each other’s mouths. “He has been haunting Britain for almost a decade now and people still keep on living and having kids.”

“But the danger?”

“Our son will have you and me for parents. And three awesome uncles to look for him. You know Sirius, Remus and Peter would sooner die than let anything happen to our kid, right?”

Lily held her husband’s gaze for a long, long while, before finally relenting. This was not the end of this discussion, they both knew it well. But for now they were in agreement, their desires for a kid of their own in complete alignment.

Well, almost complete.

“A son, huh?” The redhead witch said with a sly smile. “Getting awfully presumptuous here, aren’t we? I think a daughter would serve a womaniser like you nicely.”

James' smile turned predatory.

“Ow, you love me and my ‘womanising’ ways.” He said. “I do recall you quite enjoying watching me pound that slutty Ravenclaw prefect.”

Lily remembered that night well. All three of them had retired from their duties to one of the many hidden little rooms sprinkled all over Hogwarts, that James had prepared for rendezvous just like that one. They double teamed their Ravenclaw junior, James demolishing her once virgin ass, while she had enjoyed the girl’s oral ministrations. It was so hot seeing James spread the slutty Ravenclaw’s asscheeks through sheer girth of his beastly cock.

“I do remember that girl having a very nice tongue.” Lily teased. “You could learn a thing or two.”

James’s smile turned wicked.

“Hmm, I would like to contest that statement.” He said as his eyes wandered closer and closer to Lily’s panties. “And we haven’t christened your workplace, have we?”

Lily’s eyes, nervous and excited, darted to the door.

“Here?” She whispered. “No way. I am not the only one using this office - someone will catch us.”

“You know how I feel about risk.” James teased the edge of her underwear. “And I know you feel the same.”

The redhead Unspeakable really shouldn’t have. What James was suggesting was risky. Not for their lives, no. Not even for their jobs - both of them were rising stars in their respective departments. Still, if any of her colleagues caught her, Lily would never live it down.

But by Morgana’s Tits, she wanted, no, needed it badly.

Her mind resolved, Lily attacked her husband’s mouth, quickly slipping her tongue into his mouth. After she pulled away, Lily grabbed James by his robes and started dragging him in the direction of the door.

“Not here. Put on your invisibility cloak and follow me. I know just the place.”


The Death Chamber was as eerily quiet as it ever was. With its sole curiosity - the Veil being awfully resistant to all of the Department's attempts to decipher its secrets, Unspeakables rarely visited. The whole chamber, from the stone tiers to the arch itself, was pristine and free of dust thanks to the countless preservation charms embedded into walls and ceiling. In short, it made for a perfect, albeit grim, hiding place for a pair of lovers.

The Potters stumbled into the chamber as they were making out, too caught up in each other’s passion to wait until they reached their destination. If it wasn’t for luck and some creative maneuvering, the two of them would have never made it down to the daias intact. Lily almost tore the auror’s robes in her haste to get her husband naked.

“Wait!” James stopped her. “The door.”

With a sharp flick of his wand, he closed the door and locked it. James turned to Lily, a cocky smirk on his face, but before he could say anything, the redhead tugged his trousers and pants down.

James’ rapidly hardening cock twitched in the cool air. As his blood rushed downwards, Lily watched with hungry eyes as her husband’s dick grew even further from its already impressive size.

A lesser woman would have balked at such a challenge, rightfully afraid for her health and sanity. Lily, however, was not some blushing maiden and this was far from her first tango with this beastly phallus.

She just grinned a happy, slutty smile, watching the cock strain against its own skin, throbbing with pent up desire to wreck her cunt and fill her womb. Perhaps this time, the seed James would spill in her would not go in vain?

Lily did not know, but she was very eager to find out.

She took a deep breath, her lungs filling with heavy musk that made her head spin, and her pussy throb with desire to be bred.

One hand cupped one of James’ swollen balls, feeling the churning pent up inside. The other gripped the base of his cock. Or at least tried to. Lily’s dainty fingers couldn’t grip it fully.

James stared, mesmerized by the sinful contrast between Lily’s wholesome looks and the filthy acts she was about to perform.

The spell broke when the teasing bitch suddenly looked up at him, her emerald eyes bright with mirth, while her rosy lips were so very close to James’ swollen cockhead.

“That’s it.” James suddenly thought furiously.

“Glurgkh.” Lily gurgled when James shoved his cock into her pretty mouth.

The gurgling didn’t last - Lily was well used to her mouth being used by her dear well-hung husband. After the first instant, James no longer needed to force her. Lily was all too eager to impale her throat on his engorged prick. After less than a second, she kissed the base of her husband’s veiny cock.

James groaned in pleasure, and ran his hand through his wife’s fiery mane. Merlin, her throat was better than most women’s cunts. James would always have a soft spot for fresh inexperienced girls who struggled and gagged on his cock. It was always a delight teaching them the true limits of their throats.

But there was something to be said about a woman who knew her way around his cock.

Lily massaged her husband’s balls, eager to milk every last drop out of them, simultaneously she was moving her head up and down the shaft, squeezing and relaxing muscles of her throat.

Her pussy was on fire, begging to be fucked, and as much Lily was tempted to play with it herself, she knew very well the value of delayed gratification. If she just edged herself now, while she was pleasuring her husband like a good wife ought to, then when James finally slammed his dick into her cunt, the pleasure would be out of this world.

Magic was a truly wonderful thing. Among many other things, it made wizards and witches much more durable than their mundane counterparts. Lily could have spent quite a while on her knees, her throat full of dick.

It made the interruption all the more unfortunate.

The doors exploded in a shower of crimson sparks, dust and stone shards. Several sickly yellow curses lanced through the air, and if it wasn’t for James jumping back, both of them would have had their entrails strewn all over the stone dais.

“Death Eaters!” The spouses thought, as they scrambled for their wands.

They were right.

Seven robed figures stood above them. Silver masks leered at them, as their owners held Lily and James at wandpoints.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here? A blood traitor and his pet mudblood.” An apparent leader said. “Good thing we arrived when we did. It wouldn’t do to sully our eyes with the sight of you fucking that anima, Potter. Then again, judging by that thing between your legs, perhaps you're not the first Potter to sully their blood with an animal.”

Death Eaters jeered, though not all of them. James was sure one of the more petite figures was silent, and her stare was far more appreciative.

James snorted.


“What? Are you jealous?” He asked.

The laughter died down, but before the Death Eater could retort, Lily spoke up.

“How did you get here? Neither an invisibility cloak nor a disillumination charm* would have helped gain entry. I’ve persona-”

For a brief moment, words died in Lily’s throat. Then her eyes blazed with fresh fury as she finally connected several things that had been bothering her lately.

“Rookwood.” She hissed.

James...had no idea what she was talking about. But then the Death Eater started to clap. Slowly.

Oh Joy.

“Took you long enough.” Rookwood said. “Honestly, what did Croaker think when he invited you to join us.”

He shook his head and then opened his mouth about to continue his monologue, but Lily was having none of it. She slashed her wand through the air, sending a wave of force at the traitor.

James was not long behind her with his own barrage of spells and counter curses. Both of them were brilliant and powerful. Their bond and years of fighting side by side made them a good team.

In any other situation, they would have had nothing to fear about.

Unfortunately, none of the Death Eaters were slouches either. ********

And they did have the high ground.

Slowly but surely, James and Lily were pushed back. Closer to the Arch.

Closer to the Veil.

It all came to an end, when a well cast Avada Kedavra rushed straight to James’ chest. Before it could claim his life, Lily jumped in its way. The killing curse passed easily through her shirt only to strike at the time turner hanging off her necklace.

The delicate mechanism exploded in a myriad brilliant shard.

James watched, unable to do anything as the strength of the explosion flung both him and Lily to the Veil. He saw the cloud of brilliant silver sparks flitter through the air, only to sink into his and Lily’s chests.

That was the last thing he saw, before the Veil swallowed them.


“We won’t make it.” Nymeria, once the princess of Ny Sar, and now the sole leader of free rhoynar, thought grimly. “Not with our ships in such a sorry state.”

She was standing on the beach of one of the many small harbours that sheltered the rhoynish fleet for the last several years. Not that it did them any good. Years of perilous journey, when her people were tossed, by sea and ill-fortune, from one god-forsaken place to the other, had not been kind to their ramshackle armada.

That day, what seemed like a lifetime ago, Nymeria ordered every ship prepared for their flight. From few sea-worthy vessels to much more numerous fishing boats and hastily constructed barges, Princess took all of them to carry scores of women and children left after Garin’s folly saw all of their men burnt and wrath of Valyrian Freehold aimed at Rhoynish princedoms.

It was a miracle that they had lasted this long, wandering from Basilisk Isles and Isle of Toads to Sothoryos. Everywhere, pirates and maladies and strange beasts tried to finish what Valyrian Freehold started.

Even Naath where locals welcomed Nymeria and her people, proved to be hostile, with a strange sickness taking many women and children.

And here they were, on one of the smallest and surely the most wretched of the Summer Isles. It was small and largely barren. If it weren’t for fishing and a few wellsprings of sweet water, Nymeria’s people wouldn’t have lasted this long.

The Princes of the larger islands refused all of Nymeria’s pleas in fear of Valyrian retribution. If she was honest, when she was too exhausted for spite and anger over her people’s misfortune, Nymeria didn’t blame them.

Garin thought he could defeat the dragon lords, and he had all of rhoynish water magic on his side. He still lost and doomed his people to slavery and death. The summer islanders, for all of their skill with bows, were peaceful people and would have had even less chance against the might of the Freehold.

But what was left for Nymeria? What salvation could she offer to those that looked to her for guidance and protection?

Nymeria did not know.

She thought of praying to Mother Rhoyne, like she knew many of her followers still did. But what help could the goddess of their scorched homeland offer to her children lost in strange and distant lands?

Someone must have heard Nymeria’s silent plea, because suddenly the air in front of her shattered like glass, revealing two strangers of strange looks and stranger dresses.

Nymeria blinked, baffled at the sudden, and doubtlessly magical intrusion. The pair was light skinned, though not as milky pale like Valyrians. The man’s wild raven hair and the woman’s flowing red mane stood out amid the grey that dominated the island.

Their clothes were strange, yes, but what commanded most of Nymeria’s attention, was the biggest cock she had ever seen. The Princess was no innocent maid, and had her fair share of both male and female lovers. She immediately took note of the strangers’ beauty.

But all of that paled compared to that man’s cock. It throbbed, swollen with blood and lust, dripping precum onto the harbour’s stony beach.

Nymeria didn’t notice as she licked her lips, her gaze and thoughts fixated on the male member before her. It would be such a shame for such wonder to go to waste. Right?

A strange spell took hold of the princess as she slowly approached the pair. Only to be broken by a sharp jab below her ribs, where the woman pressed her stick into her side.

“Slow down there, missy.” The woman said.

And though her words made little sense to Nymeria, it was enough to snap her out of her daze.

Her cheeks darkened when she saw the knowing looks in their eyes. It seemed her intentions had not been as subtle as she would have hoped.

Nymeria cleared her throat and assumed her most regal disposition. Or at least tried to. She couldn’t help but sneak glances of the man’s mighty cock. Her disappointment at seeing it tucked away into the man’s pants must have shown, because he let out a laugh that made blood rush to her ears.

Still, she was, first and foremost, a leader of her people. It was her duty to ascertain whether or not these strangers were a threat to them.

“I am Nymeria of Ny Sar. Name yourself and state your business in my people’s refuge.” She said in what she hoped was a commanding tone.

The man and woman looked at each other, Nymeria’s words just as confusing for them as theirs had been for her.

Yes, this was going to be a problem.


Several months had passed since James and Lily ended up in this strange world. It didn’t take them long to figure out that this planet was not their own. Strange people, simultaneously too primitive and too refined. Maps that described lands neither he nor Lily had ever seen or heard of.

Even the stars were wrong. Astrology had never been a subject James paid much attention to, but even he could recognize the absence of familiar constellations.

Still, things could have been worse.

Both of them were still alive and unharmed by their passage through the Veil. Even the Time Turner dust, which still worried Lily quite a bit, seemed to have left no mark on them.

And their host was superb.

There was no hostility and though the locals had few resources of their own, they shared what little they had with Lily and James.

Of course, neither of them wished to burden these people. Thanks to some handy charmwork, James and Lily soon learned rhoynish, the tongue of these people. Once communication was established, they readily offered their help.

As interesting as rhoynish water magic was, it didn’t hold a candle to what two well-trained wizards could accomplish. In no time at all the Rhoynar fleet was fixed, improved and made ready for their journey.

Was it any wonder that James, Nymeria and Lily fell into the same bed?

Lily captured Nymeria's lips, her hands roaming all over their lover’s toned body. James took a moment to appreciate two beauties, one soft and petite, another fit and statuesque, before he knelt down behind the princess and began to strip her of her clothes.

Starved for air, Nymeria broke the lip lock, her hand diving into Lily’s skirt. Her nimble fingers quickly found redhead’s cunt. Princess grinned lewdly when she felt her lover’s wet folds squeeze her fingers.

“Someone’s eager.” Nymeria smirked, delving deeper and deeper into Lily’s pussy, enjoying the sounds of pleasure the redhead witch was making.

Suddenly, Lily caught her husband’s gaze and a lightning fast silent exchange occurred. With some sixth sense, Nymeria felt what was about to happen, but she did nothing to resist.

The married pair grabbed Nymeria by her hands and legs and spread her, until she was lying spread eagle on the bed. Her sopping wet cunt was now defenseless, and Lily quickly took advantage of that.

Her green eyes, bright with fiendish delight, were staring right into Nymeria’s, even as Lily’s tongue dove into the wet fold of her pussy.

Nymeria threw her head back and let out a throaty moan. She was not prepared to have James slam his already iron hard cock into her mouth.

“Gluurrgkh, guurglkh.”

Lily watched, aroused beyond measure as her new lover gagged and choked on her husband’s beastly dick. Even without seeing it, she knew that spit, tears and slobber were dripping down onto Nymeria’s face. But she could see Nymeria’s throat bulge as it struggled to please James’ dick.

It turned her on so much, to see a once prim and proper princess be used like a Knockturn Alley whore.

Lily looked down onto the princess’ gushing cunt with a smile.

“I see I am not the only one enjoying this.” She slapped Nymeria’s pussy. “Someone’s enjoying being treated like a slut.”

Nymeria’s moans of denial were muffled by the brutal throatfucking. Lily laughed when she heard them.

“Now now. There is no shame in being a filthy little slut if it’s for the right people.” Lily let out a downright whorish moan as she plunged her fingers into her cunt. “There is a lot of pleasure to be had this way.”

James smirked as his hands mauled the princess' tits. They were not the biggest he’d enjoyed, but they fit nicely in his hands. He could feel vibrations travel up his cock each time he pinched her nipples.

This continued for a while, Lily and James making Nymeria climax again and again, while the princess had no choice but to ride this out. Or rather be ridden out.

Finally, James felt his own orgasm swiftly approaching. He bit back a groan, feeling all of the pent up cum he was about to unload into his new slut.

“Lily, I am about to flood her.”

“Then let’s finish this together.” She said, likewise near her climax.

Suddenly, her tongue lengthened as Lily hissed into Nymeria’s cunt, parseltongue making her tongue vibrate. The Princess would have screamed if she didn’t have a throat full of cock.

Lily’s parseltongue ability was of little use. The ‘Light’ side would have looked down on her for its dark connotations, while the ‘Dark’ would have been all the more incensed to try to kill her.

It wasn’t until she and her husband discovered their mutual love of fucking women, did she realize the perverted potential of that ability.

Nymeria stood no chance but to succumb to the pleasure and cum, spraying Lily’s face with her juices. This set the redhead off, who squealed and twitched, her cunt spasming around her fingers.

Watching his beautiful wife and their new lover orgasm was enough to push James over the edge. With a beastly groan, he came down Nymeria’s throat, flooding her belly with his hot cum.

Slowly, James dragged her cock out, leaving behind a trail of semen that Nymeria, that slutty little princess, greedily swallowed. James made sure to leave some on her face, marking her as his and Lily’s. Before Nymeria could scoop up the cum, Lily attacked her face, her tongue cleaning up all of the remaining seed.

Nymeria’s angry growl was cut short when Lily silenced her with a hungry cum-filled kiss. The two started to make out, their hands roaming over each other’s bodies, teasing and edging themselves and James.

If Nymeria thought this was over, she was solely mistaken. After a brief respite, James’ cock began to harden again. A quick wand flick was all it took to change the women’s positions.

Now they were lying in a position 69 and with each other’s delicious cunts right in front of their faces, how could they resist? Soon enough they were moaning from the pleasure, and pleasured the other in turn.

Lily watched, excited, as James’ cock neared Nymeria’s pussy. She was going to have a front row seat to Nymeria’s ruination. There was no way the princess had had a more endowed lover before.

Or would in the future.

The swollen cockhead, lubricated by the princess’ spit and Lily’s eager tongue,  slowly parted Nymeria’s slick folds. The Princess, trapped as she was between Lily’s thighs, could do nothing but moan and lick her captor’s cunt.

Then suddenly, James thrust the rest of his cock into Nymeria’s pussy, drawing out a moan of pleasure from the captive princess. She clenched her muscles around the invading prick, desperate to milk as much cum as possible out of his heavy balls.

Each time James' thrusts reached the princess’ cervix, the rhoynish woman would moan and push her hips against his, eager for her womb to plant lewd kisses on the man’s swollen cockhead.

Nymeria couldn’t help it. She succumbed to pleasure again and again, helpless against James unrelenting thrusts.

None of the trio knew how long this lasted, the only measure of time being orgasming women.

“Shit, shit, shit!” Nymeria’s golden eyes rolled back as she was hit with yet another climax. “Fuck me you horse-dicked bastard!”

The vibrations caused by her screaming, set Lily off, who squirted copious amounts of juices all over Nymeria’s face.

How could James resist the allure of two gorgeous sluts writhing in pleasure?

“Agh, same.” James shoved his dick as deep as he could until his heavy balls were lying on Lily’s face. “Take it, you beautiful slut.”

Nymeria shrieked when she felt what seemed like a tidal wave of semen flood the entirety of her pussy, from womb to the entrance.

The trio allowed themselves to settle for a bit of a breather, but all three of them knew - this was far from over.


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