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“I am so, so sorry.” Ginny pleaded as she and Harry walked through the corridors of Hogwarts.

It was bright and early morning, so the approaches to the Great Hall were full of students rushing to and from breakfast, thus there were plenty of people to see the comic sight of a tall athletic redhead trailing behind one annoyed Boy-Who-Lived.

Harry just hoped the reason for his foul mood wouldn’t spread through the castle’s gossip network. That would be just cherry on this sundae of unneeded trouble.

A calm, peaceful education of magic, with some side order of youthful debauchery. Was it really too much to ask? Harry didn’t think so and yet he was being proven wrong.

If it wasn’t for Ginny’s clear regret, Harry would have been far more eager to get some retribution for getting into this mess.

As it were, Harry was just going to mess with his friend for a bit.

“You should be.” He told the redhead coldly. “I was just fine ignoring Malfoy. She may be a bitch, but her bark has nothing on some I had to deal with.”

A brief memory of Aunt Petunia and Aunt Marge tried to get to the forefront of his mind, but Harry just shook his head, banishing the unwanted image.

Nope, not going there. Not in Hogwarts, not in this lifetime. Some things didn’t need closure, some things should just lay forgotten.

“I know, but I just wanted to see that cunt humbled real bad.” Ginny admitted. She looked up and playfully batted her eyelashes, while giving him the most exaggerated pout he’d ever seen. “Can you forgive me?”

Harry sighed. He really didn’t have the patience or energy to hold on the grudge.

“Yeah, yeah,” Harry said, before grunting as redheaded missile slammed into his body. “Get off me you baboon.” He hissed as Ginny tried her level best to squeeze forgiveness out of him.

“Nuh-uh.” Ginny said, her voice muffled by his robes.

Harry glanced around. People were starting to stare. And point fingers. And whisper really loudly.

Feeling his ears burning, Harry quickly forced Ginny to let him go.

“Just, just explain to me this whole duel business. Muggle world had moved on from them a while ago.” He said.

“Alrighty.” Ginny said cheerfully, not a sign of past contrition to be found.

Harry rolled his eyes, but waited silently for explanation.

“It’s nothing serious, really. Not like you or Malfoy are some giants of magical might, whose duel is liable to destroy the castle around you.” Ginny peered at Harry with mock seriousness. “Unless you’ve been holding out on me, and you really did get all kinds of private tutoring to make you into some sort of male Morgana.”

Harry groaned. During his first couple of days at Hogwarts, some particularly dim students were convinced Harry had to be some sort magical prodigy. Thankfully after some lessons, people calmed down when Harry revealed himself to be a perfectly above average student. Talented, but hardly groundbreaking.

“No. Safe to say that is not a concern.” Harry said.

“Well then it’s easy. At midnight you and Malfoy throw what little magic you know at each other until one is clearly victorious and then we can sneak back into our rooms.” Ginny shrugged. “See? Easy-peasy.”

That did sound less troublesome than he thought.

“What about these ‘seconds’?” He asked.

“That’s me and Greengrass.” Ginny said. “Don’t worry about it. In this case it’s just a fomality. In actual, serious duels, with stakes and such, seconds are there to step in in case a fighter is unable to take part, like due to a broken wand or an injury, and to help the loser fulfil whatever obligation had been stipulated beforehand. “

Harry frowned in thought. This bit was giving him ideas. After all, if he had to participate in something this ridiculous, he might as well get something out of it.

Then a thought occurred to him.

“What if Malfoy doesn’t show, but just snitches us to Filch?” He asked.

Filch was a...strange figure at Hogwarts. An old, bitter squib, he haunted the corridors of Hogwarts with seemingly no other purpose than to take out his bitterness and broken dreams on far more fortunate students. Harry knew Filch was supposedly a caretaker of Hogwarts, charged with clean-up and such, but house elves existed and from what Harry heard were more than sufficient to handle all such matters.

Nevertheless, Harry would rather avoid the unpleasant man’s attention unless absolutely necessary.

Some childish spat most certainly did not qualify.

“Nah. Don’t worry about it.” Ginny said, unconcerned. “If Malfoy tried to pull something like that, her reputation would be in tatters. Especially with her crowd. Duels are an old fashion thing, but some families treat more serious than others. Care to guess where most of these families end up in Hogwarts?”

“Slytherin.” Harry guessed.

“Bingo!” Ginny grinned. “Don’t worry about. Just relax and focus on how ridiculous Malfoy is going to look once you trounce her.”
Harry smiled. That was a nice image.


It was seconds to midnight when Harry and Ginny entered the Trophy Room. They were cutting it close, but making their way through the gloomy Hogwarts corridors during curfew proved to be a touch more challenging than they thought.

They not only had had to avoid obvious dangers such as patrolling prefects and professors, but also more exotic obstacles such trick steps, doors that, at best, led nowhere, and talking paintings, many of whom turned out to be snitches of the worst sort.

And ghosts. Harry doubted he was going to forget those anytime soon.

But here they were, finally at their destination and the place of their little clandestine duel.

The Trophy Room seemed spacious enough to hold a duel in, but Harry was less sure about all those shelves heavy with medals, cups and other kinds of awards, that lined the walls. Unless there were some protective enchantments on them, the first stray spell would send all that memorabilia flying.

Much to Harry’s hidden relief, both Malfoy and Greengrass were there, waiting impatiently for them.

“Finally!” Lyra Malfoy groused. “What took you so long?”

Harry rolled his eyes.

“Calm your tits, Malfoy. I am here, aren’t I?” He smirked at the blonde in front of him. “But I am glad you are so eager to have your butt kicked.”

“Malfoy is really cute when she is pissed.” Harry thought as he watched Lyra fume.

The young woman’s face was flushed with anger, her blue eyes blazing with passion. Harry certainly wouldn’t mind putting such ardour to a much better use.

Lyra decided to forego the Hogwarts uniform for witches, in favour of some sort of specialised duelling costume, that clung to her frame, highlighting her modest yet pleasant curves. Harry looked forward to peeling that thing off Lyra’s body.

Lyra Malfoy’s second was no less pleasant sight. Harry didn’t have much of an opinion on Daphne Greengrass, and seeing her now Harry regretted that. Unlike her friend’s platinum, Daphne was a honey blonde, her hair falling down in ringlets down to her lower back. Just like Lyra, Daphne’s chest was nothing to write home about, but even from the front, her hips and ass looked nice to put thoughts of breeding in Harry’s head.

Alas, the other slytherin girl looked even more annoyed to be here than Harry. The young woman was tapping her foot impatiently, drawing Harry’s eyes to her long, stocking clad leg.

“Oh my gosh you guys, can’t you hurry up?” Daphne asked. “Some of us here need their beauty sleep, before tomorrow's lectures.”

She crossed her arms, her full lips pouting.

Harry smiled challengingly at Lyra.

“Don’t worry, Daphne. This won’t take long.” Harry taunted Lyra. “I’ll just spank your girlfriend’s bottom until it’s nice and red and let you slink back to the dungeon.”

“Hell yeah!” Ginny whooped. “Hear that Malfoy? You better have worn something nice and classy underneath. Wouldn’t want us to see your granny panties. Mommy’s money won’t help you here!”

Gone was any contrition from Ginny’s voice. Now she was all chipper and eager to egg the combatants on. Harry guessed it was lucky his plans would likely make his ginger friend very happy.

Now that he thought about it, Harry really needed to do something to punish Ginny for this whole affair. An idea for another time.

Lyra sneered at Ginny.

“I know you Weasley’s are envious of anyone with more than two knuts to rub together, but really, do try to keep it contained.” Lyra turned away from slowly reddening Ginny and stared smugly at Harry. “I am here to put one arrogant dick in his place, not sully myself dealing with plebs.”

Harry gasped and put a hand over his heart.

“My place? Lyra Malfoy, just what are you implying?”

Lyra bared her teeth.

“Just what it sounds like. You won’t wonder around all cocky after I am done with you.” She said.

“Ok, there is no way she isn’t doing this on purpose.” Harry thought.

He smiled.

“Well someone’s confident.” Harry said.

Lyra Malfoy raised her chin haughtily.

“Of course. You may have some fame, but a childhood fluke is no replacement for proper magical training. I was raised in the finest witch’s household in all of British Isles, while you were mucking about with muggles.” Lyra sneered. “You have no chance against me.”

Harry smiled.

“Well, guess we’ll see about that.” He said. “But it’s easy to be sure when there’s nothing at stake. Care to make this duel of ours more…interesting?”

Daphne, despite acting like a ditzy bimbo, must have some brains rattling in that pretty head of hers, because her eyes widened. However before she could say anything, Lyra was already replying:

“What would you even have that could be a worthy prize?”

Despite her words, Harry caught the blonde’s eyes flicker down to his crotch.

“The losing side must obey the victor, for one hour. Whatever the victor wishes, the loser must fulfil. Excepting, of course, anything that could harm anyone or break laws and other things of such nature.”

“Deal!” Lyra exclaimed without thinking, her eyes wide with delight, her full lips stretched in triumphant smile.

“NO!” Daphne wailed, before turning on her friend. “Lyra, you dumb slut. I am your second! If you lose I gotta pay up too!”

Lyra remained unaffected.

“I am not going to lose.” Lyra scoffed. “Just think of what we’ll make Potter and Weasley do once I win.”

Daphne’s eyes darted to Harry, seizing him up, tracing the lines of his well-built body, hugged by his tight clothes. A rosy blush bloomed on the blonde girl’s face.

“You better win.” Daphne finally relented and stepped aside.

“Sucks to have someone drag you into a mess without your say so, doesn’t it?” Harry called Daphne out. He jabbed a thumb in Ginny’s direction. “The two of them are so different and yet apparently so alike!”

“Hey!” Both Ginny and Lyra exclaim, indignation and disgust thick in their voices.

The two realised what happened and glared at each other.

Harry rolled his eyes. He wasn’t quite sure what was the origin of this little feud of theirs, but they really could use some nice hatefucking to get it out of their systems. Maybe today? No, too soon for that.

Finally, the duel was about to begin.

Lyra and Harry moved to opposing sides of the room, wands drawn, with determined expressions on their faces.

“Bow.” Daphne said and the duellists obeyed.

“On one.” Ginny said.
Contestants narrowed their eyes.

“Two.” Daphne muttered.

One spell. One lucky spell would be enough to determine the victor.

“Three!” Ginny and Daphne cried out together.

Spells flashed, sparkes flew and a moment later everyone could see Lyra’s wand sail through the air before landing in Harry’s waiting hand.

“No!” Lyra wailed, stared disbelievingly at her own wand now clutched securely in Harry’s grasp.

Shocked at being defeated so quickly, the Malfoy heiress could do nothing but stare blankly at her opponent. Even Ginny’s laughter did nothing to provoke an angry tirade or even a reaction of any sort.

Daphne was not so subdued.

“How,” SLAM! “could,” SLAM! “you,” SLAM! “lose,” SLAM! “so easily?” Daphne wailed as she tried to break through the stone of the wall with her own head as the battering ram. “My gosh, Lyra, could you have tried to be more pathetic?”

The Malfoy witch only whimpered as she slowly sunk to her knees.

“Morgana’s tits, this is great!” Ginny crooned as she stared at the defeated form of Lyra Malfoy, sounding so triumphant, one could almost believe she had been the one to defeat the Malfoy heiress. “Not so high and mighty, eh Malfoy?”

Harry rolled his eyes. He did not have time and patience to deal with it.

Silently, Harry unbuttoned his pants and whipped out his cock.

Immediately all eyes were on him, or rather, his manhood. The sight of it was enough to even snap Lyra out of her funk. The platinum blonde swallowed, her mouth suddenly full of saliva. Daphne, on the other hand, stared entranced at Harry’s rapidly hardening cock, without noticing as she slowly approached Harry.

Only Ginny retained the presence of mind. The brazen slut walked up to Harry and grabbed his cock. Staring down at the kneeling Lyra, Ginny started stroking Harry’s throbbing cock.

Fingers of one of her hands were not enough to fully encircle Harry’s shaft, nevertheless Ginny continued stroking him like a champ.

“I take it this is the prize for your victory?” Ginny asked with a raised eyebrow.

Looking down the still kneeling Lyra Malfoy and Daphne Greengrass, both visibly hungry for some Potter lovin’, Harry had only one thing to say.

“To the victor go the spoils.”


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