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   Hello guys and gals. I hope you all have had a wonderful start to the new year. The two packs this month all sprang to existence from me just starting to make anything and see where it takes me. I didn't have any clear direction and thought it would be a fun exercise. 

   I'm really happy with the style of both packs. Both visually interesting but in totally different ways. I think my only regret is I wish i had some more magic elements to it. It's just sometimes challenging to think of reasons to have "flashy" elements in some environments without it looking ridiculous.

  I have tons of ideas for maps but sometimes fresh ideas just excite my creative side. Because of that I'm looking for some inspiration for this next month. So if you have a cool theme idea or a d&d location drop a comment below and I might just make it. 

As always I hope you and your players enjoy, follow the links below for all the juicy content.

The Ethuil



The Ethuil | Animated Battle Maps

I create animated maps like this and more for the d&d community. All my still image versions are free to everyone! You can check out more of my work at www.patreon.com/LivingRealms



Ooohh... I'd love a sunken temple with crypt & mausoleum in a swamp, but a few other ideas I have that I rarely see examples of are observatories (with docks for those spelljammers) or greenhouses (with living plants). Both seem like great little dungeons to make, but I never see anyone make them.


links for d10 and d8 on ethuil are not there