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   Hello my most amazing Patrons! It's time for your adventures to take a special quest! A special quest to find and open a gate. Oh not some ordinary gate. An awesome looking gate! A gate that brings the sounds of oohs and awws from your players! One that leads to the amazing mystically magical whatever you decide! Because you are the DM! Sadly not me. I'm just the lowly map maker that gives you these wonderful pieces of art to help tell your amazing stories with friends and family. 

   I really stepped up my game on custom assets with this pack. It's a goal of mine to step up my game on all front going forward. One of those ways is starting to create even more out of this world locations that just wow. To do that I'm going to have to make way more custom 3D models, so I spent most of this month creating the portal, other assets in this pack and a really ambitious key structure that a whole pack is built around that didn't get completed in time this month. I aimed really far and fell just short. So that pack will wait until this next month. It did make it into the cinematic short if you look for it though ;D

I have a lot of things I've been wanting to do for sometime that would help my patreon grow, but just have not had the time to do them. So luckily for me I have a wonderful wife that has volunteered to help me make some of them happen. Hopefully I'll have some more news on exactly what benefits this will bring to you my wonderful Patrons. 

Well guys, its very late and I'm very exhausted, so I'm going to wish you all a good evening and rap this up. As always you you can follow the links below according to your patron tier. If you have any issues or are confused how to get your tasty map treats don't hesitate to message me. I'm always happy to help. 

Tier D10 

Tier D8 

Tier D6 



The Gate | Animated Battle Map

I create animated maps like this and more for the d&d community. All my still image versions are free to everyone! You can check out more of my work at www.patreon.com/LivingRealms



Always tremendously impressed by the quality of your work. I can't wait to use these in one of my sessions!

Nathan Davis

Thank you for the kind words. I make an effort to pick up at least one new skill with each pack that slightly increases the bar. Even though I occasionally miss that bar, I'm still very proud of my current level of skill because of that mind set.

Rob Leonard

Really cool maps and great animations. I appreciate the 2 active versions of the gate, as well as the cinematic video. Super job on these!