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There it was the infamous Shushuku Shrine! 

Hinata: Are you sure this is a good idea? There's a reason why no one want's to come here!

Mei: Awww, don't be a chicken! It's just some stupid rumors!

Hinata: I'm not sure... this place has been mentioned in the news so many times. There has to be something to it! No one comes here anymore, besides some of the girls who work in the shrine.

Mei: That means no annoying crowds! Come one, let's go and wash our hands first....and feet! This heat is killing me!

Hinata: ....Fine. But we'll only take a quick look! No wandering around!




I see where this is going ;) Very nice render!


And so, it begins... <3


In years from now, I'll be able to look back and say: "I was here..." :D