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Another mega giantess picture for the end of the week! Here I tried to go a little bit closer to the action to take a look at the details of her destruction!

Also Hong Kong has such a nice and distinct skyline and I really wanted to use it! ^^

There's probably gonna be two more mega giantess picture I'll post for everyone and after that I'll move them to the "Mega" Tier (Kinda fits :D)

Hope you like this one as well and I'd love to hear your feedback <3

Thank you so much for the great support!




This technique keeps on delivering outstanding results! Amazing work :)


Looks real like damn :)


Thank you! &lt;3 I'm really surprised this hasn't been used before but I'm happy it gets some attention now :D


Thanks man &lt;3 It takes some fiddling around to set up all the detailed stuff but usually it pays out in the final result :)


Amazing. The sheer size is titanic.

Nathan Dendrik

Awesome!!! What a titanic huge foot. &lt;3


I'm planning on giving it a try when I'm done with the backlog of stuff I'm currently working on :)