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Olivias tiny classmate was siting in her palm as she looked down on him with a desirable and malicious look. Her hand was still moist from class and he could feel her sweat sticking to his skin.

Olivia: Well look at you. Aren't you cute, sitting there in my palm. You are barely the size of my thumb. I could squish you inside my hand like bug. 

Her classmate stated to scream and wave his arms around, but Olivia could barely understand him.

Olivia: I have no idea what you are yelling there cutie, but don't worry. I won't crush you between my fingers. That would be such a mess and I'm sure I'd get stains on my sports uniform... You know what would suit me much better? I always get sooo hungry after sports...so you'll help me with that!




Now I wish I was him.


Pretty sure she’s still wearing her other shoe, so I think this guy’s probably still got it better than the other tiny.


ooh I like where this is going