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 As Lisa was all dressed up and ready to leave, Alice kneeled on the floor and wished her a nice evening. With a sweet fake smile she watched her leaving the room. Now it was only her and Nathan, who was burried somewhere under her tank top...

Lisa: Alright, see ya later...

Alice: Bye! I wish you a pleasant evening. Don't go to wild outside sweetie... (Great! Now I can have my fun with Nathan without any further distractions!.... I can feel him moving down there. Just what is he thinking...? Oh there's so much stuff I can do with this little shit. He has no idea what's coming to him...)

Nathan: (Where am I? It's pitch black in here! I can't see anything...and it's so hot and moist. This has to be her belly! I have to get out of here! Maybe I can crawl downwards...If I would know where exactly that is... 



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