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 Nathan trembled with fear when Alice looked rigth at him. Just seconds later, Lisa stood up and walked towards her cupboard. Without much think Nathan started to run after her. He was sprinting right next to her feet but kept his distance, as he could feel the ground shake when Lisa stepped on the floor. Alice was watching the whole time and now she was sure: The tiny little speck next to Lisas feet was a human and it probably was Nathan. Various thoughts were crossing her mind.

Lisa: Hey I'm going out for a bit. You wanna come too? 

Alice: Ehhh...what? What did you say?

Lisa: I'm asking, if you want to go out. Alice...? Are you listening??

Alice: I...uhhh. No.. thanks. I think I'm ok. I'll stay here.

Lisa: Well alright then. I'm just gonna change my clothes.

Nathan: Lisa stop! Don't go away! Don't leave me here with her!! Please! (Oh this can't be... No no no...not Alice! How could she see me this fast? Did she stare at Alice feet? Or was it because I was standing in the sunlight? Whatever! I have to get away befor Alice can do something. She's just completley crazy!

Alice: (Ohhh what should I do?? He's way to slow to catch up with Lisa. Her foot is like a 100 times bigger than him! Maybe I could.... 



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