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New avatar I'm working on~ Just perfecting the rigging/armature as much as possible right now, feels really good in full body, and is more proportionate to the human body than my other avatars~

Gonna release a series of clothing/skin textures for it matching themes, along with nekkid versions with each. This theme here is twilight arcane O:! Next will be aqua affinity <3

Also gonna include staffs/magic spells with each, twilight arcane will have a magic missile attack originating from the staff. Expect much better visemes/emotes from this one~ trying to improve a bit on every aspect.




Love this model so much Hobbert, looking forward to making some cute stuff with it :3

Killa Wildtail

I also like this, but I can't find where the base model is at even though I paid the $10. I am still a bit new to patreon but I've clicked on just about everything and still can't find it. I also checked the discord and everything still seemed the same, nothing changed when I paid.


where do I download this


where do i download this