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Hello everyone, 

I just wanted to check in with everyone on how I have been posting content and make sure everyone has easy access to the goods! Currently I am just using the Patreon post system and doing quarterly art packs via direct message. I have seen some artists using PrimeLeap but I personally do not like using that platform.

What method of content delivery do you prefer? 



I recommend keeping up at least periodic Patreon post regardless, so that potential subscribers who come across your page don't get the idea that the Patreon is defunct based on there not having been any new posts for a long stretch of time.


I like the current system for rewards


What you’re currently doing is perfect


Current one is purrfect in my opinion :)


In my opinion : post sd without alts on patreon and every month send dropbox link with hd / alts / etc. I say that due to some site who's showing patreon content. That should stop the leak a bit !


But same I like the current reward as same, but some ppl leak on some site...