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Hello everyone,

It's been a rough month and I have not created the content that I promised all of you. I am very sorry.

As you know I got Lasik and that went great but delayed my ability to work by a week. Well in addition I have been in and out of doctors and the ER this week for the worst illness I have ever had. I finally have a diagnosis (viral tonsilitis, inner ear infection with my left ear drum bowing out and 2 tonsil abscesses), medication and a plan of attack and am already feeling quite a bit better.

I will make it up to you in March I promise! Thank you all so much <3 



Nothing is as important as your health and well-being. Take care of yourself first.


Geeze, that sounds miserable, I'm just glad you're alright! ^^;


Your health is more important! I'm glad you're feeling better!


Take the time you need to full recover. If you forcing to hard, it will hit you a second time and harder then this time.


Personal health and well being come first. Take the time you need. Such infections are rough at best.


Oof. Feel better. I started 2020 in a similar way (multiple ER visits) but for different reasons. Take care of yourself and hoping you make a speedy recovery!

Adux Relen

Health first. Always first. Don't over do anything to strain yourself during your recovery. Please take it easy...


Take care of yourself!