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Hello friends!

I just wanted to give you guys a little heads up; I’m getting lasik eye surgery done tomorrow Feb 7th and although complications are rare there is always a risk. Artwork delays are not expected for this month but they are certainly possible and I’ll be following the surgeons orders on when I can resume art. I was told I could have limited screen time as soon as 24 hour after surgery but I’ll likely take it easy for a few days depending on pain/dryness.

Thank you all for your continued support and understanding, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to me ❤️



I had this exact same surgery last year. Don't worry, the risk are of it not going well are very small. You should get a decent sight 48 hours after the surgery and a perfect sight after approximately a month.


I'm sure, everything will be fine (gtr).


Dryness of the eyes is very common however. I still have that sometimes (sorry if my english is not perfect, it's not my native language)


take your time you need for healing - your health is important :) All the best for you!


Thanks for sharing your experience! It helps hearing from others because I’ll admit I’m pretty nervous 👀


Best wishes with the procedure!