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Good morning everyone!! I made some changes to Daphne! Now I think she looks a little bit better with the new nose shape and the proportions adjustments around her face, also I worked a little bit on her body, I don't feel very convinced with the proportion between the head and the body but its something Im going to adjust during these days C:




Presumably the proportion adjustment would be increasing the head-to-body ratio in favor of the head so she ends up a little less tall. Most sources I look up about Daphne's height gives it as 5'7", but as much as that seems like it'd make sense, those sources always come off a bit suspect since they usually give Velma's height as 4'9", which doesn't line up with most media (that'd be a full head shorter than Daphne, when Velma is generally shown being half a head shorter).


Yeah the face does look better


the idea its making them similar to the scoob movie proportions so I'm going to play around with that


a little bit better lol I noticed her nose and mouth were a little bit higher according the references


Then one other suggestion I might make (both for the Daphne and the newly previewed Velma) would be to maybe slim down Daphne's butt and thighs a little, and more certainly make Velma just as busty (if not slightly moreso) than Daphne is here (even if it's not as obvious as it is in stuff like the original series and the Direct-to-Video movies [See: https://i1.wp.com/screen-connections.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/scooby-doo.return.to_.zombie.island-still.image-16.jpg?fit=5120%2C2880&ssl=1], Velma still appears to have some puppies under that sweater [See: https://assets.www.warnerbros.com/drupal-root/public/promopod/media/browser/scoob_article_promo.jpg]).