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Hello everyone!! Today I worked on Alex!! I really like how she looks (btw this is not the final hair!) but I haven't done her body yet, I think Im going to used almost the same body proportions as clover since all have similar proportions!! (also that yellow thing its a little experiment with the spy suit!)  What do you guys think about her face? C:



hennie bientjes

I like how she turned out! Keeping the proportions the same seems like a good move, since they basically all have the same body in the show. Maybe one idea to differentiate them a bit could be to give Alex some slight abs, since she's the most athletic of the three. And with Sam being more of a nerdy type that could be reflected in her being slightly slimmer? Just spitballing here :P


Thats a good idea to make a small difference between them!! make Alex's body a little more "toned" and i have to see how to make Sam's body hahaha