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Hi guys!! here is an example of what Marisa might look like, remember this is just an example!! I tried to decreased the size of her torso and should and increase a little bit the size of her hips and legs but keep the muscle definition. The idea is the balance between muscular and thicc proportions.

meanwhile Im going to continue with Cammy and maybe tonight I could upload a preview of Kimberly but remember I havent deicided between Kimberly and Marisa, I'm uploading this previews just to make an idea of how they might look. my goal is make both but ONLY if I have time




Oof, that's a Big lady,here's hoping you pick her if you hace to do only one in the end

Leonardo Caravaccio

what a big mommy, I love your proportions, she looks more anatomically correct despite the massive size. I'd recommend to try and make her breasts a little bigger (i know, not really realistic) or did you wanted to keep them like that? Anyways great shape!


Could you give her big breasts? As a visual example you could base it on Sanada (an OC by krekk0v), sorry for being so specific, hope I'm not bothering you 😅


The idea its keep some "canon" proportions to her but everything depends how she looks, Im going to try later and share it here C:


thats something Im going to explore but also the idea its keep some canon proportions of her but its something I have to experiment first and if she looks good I might keep it c: