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Hello everyobdy!! I made some adjustments to Shego, I change the outher shape of her eyes, I made her face a little bit longer this helps somehow with the shape of her chin, she looks kinda happy but thats because of her eyebrow,  Im going to change that on Blender and on her body I decreased a little bit her torso and increased her hips. What do you guys think about this changes? I feel kinda insecure with her body since its a little bit curvy than Kim but let me know what do ya think C:

And I also going to show some previews on Iredessa later on ;D




I think she should have more curves she is older than Kim that said I like the look 👍

Leonardo Caravaccio

The face is very good, I think her body looks fine when compared to Kim


yeah thats what I though, although I feel her head it's kinda big, I'm probably compare side by side with Kim to make sure but maybe in the future I will make it smaller, same with kim ofc


Thanks!! maybe if I have time I will make Kim torso a little bit smaller, I feel like it's bigger compared to Shego