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Good morning everyone!!! Im here with Ruby!!! :D I made her with my own interpretation of her since the references werent exactly good, I still making some changes to her face but I think thi sis a good start and ofc I made her thicc ;D but idk what do you guys think, do you prefer thicc of a little bit more slim?




I think Ruby would look nice a bit more slim with Yang being the thicc one.


yeeah, I was inspired by the version of Skuddbut xD but yeah I feel the same


I agree with end


I kinda prefer thicc, but that's just me.

Lambo Xiao Long

Definitely needs to be slimmed down. Also I highly recommend looking up their BBTAG portraits for reference


Unfortunately I keep with the same doubt, the shape of her lips and nose are not exactly draw in detail, it just lines so I have to improvise those details, its like Lucy in that aspect