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I don't feel convinced yet with her, it feels like  something is missing, maybe the texture skin??? Or her face??? What do you guys think?? Also do you guys want them more thicc??



Lambo Xiao Long

I think the body type you're going for is bueno, but maybe you could thiccen em up a bit?


Texture looks good from what I can tell. Maybe make her head a bit more rounded to better match her in-game design, but it looks good so far. As far as body proportions go, I would perhaps put some emphasis on her hips. Her in-game idle animations focus on the hips a lot, so it would be good to reflect that on the model. Proportions look good otherwise though, at least in my opinion. Also, probably a silly question to ask since it's still very early, but do you plan on adding her arm and leg stitches? And if so, do you plan on making it so you can detach the arms and legs like you can in the games? That last part isn't completely necessary, but it would be a good attention to detail. Overall, looking good so far. Can't wait for more!

hennie bientjes

I think her body is good already, but if there's any part you really want thicken up it should definitely be just her hips. I think the feature that's very distinct on rottytops compared to this version is her eyes. Rottytops has had really triangle shaped eyes giving her a bit spunky attitude