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Ok here is the thing, this is really hard to me to explain since I dont wanna sound like Im taking advantage of people but  Ive been notice most of the works are very hard and challeging and if we add the work for patreon is a lot of work and stress for me and a sometimes I dont think its fair for the price, I charged (60 its very cheap at least for some people) so I will increase the price for the next month for $10.

I normally do around 6 or 7 characters per month for Patreon and some of them have futa version (except this month since the things get out of the hand) so it can be 9 characters and also making comissions which also some of the have futa version ( for example Im made 4 comissions this month one inclute female and futa version and the others just female version) so in total almost 14 models per month and thats a huge stress for me I still have to (finish two commisions lol) so thats why Im increasing the price because the amount of work I have to do.  

In resume its going to be 70 instead of 60 and the features will remaing the same (5$ for the futa version and 5$ for extra batch of clothes) I hope this dont bother everyone but I wanna live from this and I have to make my work worth so I hope dont annoy someone we can talk about if someone has problems to pay, I really apreciate support of everyone!!! all of you are very kind and good customers! ♥♥♥



I am OK with this and understand making models is not easy. As we've seen this month problems and other things can arise making it much more stressful.


Wait $70 for a model commission... Is that a patreon tier exclusive price? Cuz that seems really quite low.


Nope, back in the time I didnt have any reference of prices so I put 60 lol but Im going to increase gradually overtime so I can adjust it for the standard in the future, it just I dont wanna increase the price standard at once


Well damn wish I knew that around December... So much stress... 😑 Granted I'm not completely sure your style is in the realm of what I'd be looking for. But for something else maybe in the future. Do you have a commission sheet now, with like limitations and such listed?


Stress is bad on long term, I don't think anyone is supporting you so that you suffer from it. :o TBH, I don't think increasing the price is the key - I believe it's more linked that you're overwhelmed with the number of models you can reasonnably do in a month. Maybe limit that number (for commissions or the normal patreon) - like saying "there's x commissions available this month" ? Or don't link these commissions to one particular month (if the deadline isn't too short, it should help to feel a bit more relaxed) ? In any case, please take care of you as well. I had the same too in the past and it ended with a burn out. Sometimes, it's good to hear what your body is trying to tell you, IMHO. ^^


That's completely understandable don't worry about it man, like hot damn I knew you were working on a lot of models but not THAT many

hennie bientjes

Holy moly I thought you were going hard on the patreon models already, especially with toga added as a surprise addition. I had no clue you were working on that many commissions as well.


yeah I think is more the patreon side? since Im maing around 9 characters and the limited character is kinda heavy so maybe I will reduce the amount of characters to how it goes


yeah I start making the math a few days ago and I was like damn hahaha


yeah thats why Im feeling a little bit more tired and also the delays so maybe I have to reduce the amount of characters in the future


yeah I do mostly cartoonish style but whenever you feel like i, just let me know C: