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This is a explanation is mostly  for the new people, I normally do one futa version and one female version but in this month. The main reason why I take this decision is because in the past when I was making Tsuyu I have a lot of problems porting her to blender, the model didnt appear because some morph caused the problem, I deleted that morph and it still caused the same error and the only solution I found it was making one character without saving the file until I was sure the model was ready to go meaning after saving the file I couldn't go back and changed something because when I saved the file again it caused that error in blender, so I had to choose one character and that was Toga because I felt it fit more to her

BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE FEMALE TOGA, I just had to move on. I couldn't stay on the same character trying to fix the problem, I just need some free time to make a female toga, right now I'm trying to finish everything to release everything this week and probably next week I'll do Toga




She looks so cute I love it :D


Feels like futa is wasted on her, but well...if you needed more time, you just need more time. Is fine. ^^

hennie bientjes

It is what it is, I don't mind having to wait a bit longer for a female toga.


I'm okay with it and for some reason was expecting it when you revealed her. Either way don't mind waiting for the female version