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I see a lot of people subscribing to 1$ recently and voting to the poll and I dont know if is one person or multiple person doing this but this has to stop, because the majority of new patrons (1$) are deicinding for something they are not going to receive!! and its not fair for the people who are actually paying for content are not be able to choose something they want.

so i'm going to pick the style I want and most of the Tier 2,3,4 want and i'm going to block all the 1$ and delete that tier



Wait what happened?


One guy was making multiple accounts to vote in the latest poll




I was wondering why the the difinitve look jumped so fast


yep but I block almost all the accounts and delete the Tier 1


Okay because I really love the Alternative look a lot so I so I hope that as that's the one I voted for


yeah me too its kinda my "personal style" you know


Would it be possible to restrict the polls to tier 2 and above? That way you can get the support from people with tier 1 subscriptions, but without people trying to exploit the system quite so easily.