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I'm changing a lot that is going on here.
It may seem and feel and even be a little chaotic at first.
I want you to all know, you are welcome to send me constructive criticism.
I need all the help I can get, from anyone, from anywhere.
I have ideas and I am learning how to implement them,
how to create structure and synchronicity;
how to move in the world in a way that is only healing,
in a way that brings everyone together.
You are me. I am you.
We are all here for each other.
And it is time we start living like that.
There is nothing to fear.
You have nothing to lose.
There is no race,
there is no difference between you and me.
If I get it for me, I get it for you, if I give to you, I give to me.

I am changing my patreon page to be about ALL of my dreams.
all of our dreams?
every single one of our dreams?
That's the goal.
I believe that if I get what I want, you get what you want,
and if you get what you want, I get what I want.

What do you want?
It CAN happen.
It is happening.
Start believing.
heaven is here now.
And only now.
In this moment.
Do you need to rest now?
Do you need to eat a carrot?
What is your body telling you?
You know.
I know you know.
Do you need to call someone?
Do you need to make a post on instagram?
Whatever YOU need to do might not make sense to the person next to you.
Who cares.
Do what your body needs.
Is it rest, is it communication, is it food, is it a jump in the freezing cold ocean?
If you need something that comes from another person, that involves another person, ask.
ask ask ask.
Make sure there is no obligation in your asking.
ask ask ask
and don't be afraid of their answer!
rejoice in their truth!!!

Anyways, got carried away there... like I do.
Anyways, I'm changing things up around here.
Different tiers to help with the house.
Sharing all of my photos and writings with the 1$ tier, because I want to share everything for free, or almost free. As close to free while still telling me there is something worth signing up for here.

The rest of the tiers will be to help with all of my dreams, and ideally help with all of the dreams of everyone on the Great Green Earth.


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