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ahhh the emotions i have when i look at these photos. nalcoah wasn't even two months old yet. we took a few days and spent them camping on assateague island in maryland. this is always my favorite place to spend away from home. i love that every meal has to be cooked over a fire and that you wake up to the light surrounding your tent and can walk out to the ocean. i love making coffee outside, drinking it with your feet in the sand. i loved getting to carry nalcoah wrapped up on my body for almost the whole trip, not letting her leave my or gideons touch. i love the horses running through the paths and hearing the waves as i fall asleep.

we borrowed a pretty big tent that we were able to bring a queen size blow up mattress to fit inside. these were some of the first nights that we had nalcoah sleep in the middle of us in the snuggle me and so far the only night that she has slept through the night was that first night on the beach.

the temperature was in the mid 70's the entire time with overcast days. usually i would want super hot days with the sun being out the entire time, but since nalcoah was so young we weren't able to swim as much as usual and with her skin being so fragile, the overcast days made for the absolute perfect vacation.

i snuck away in the early morning one morning when there was no one else on the beach. they slept and it was just the ocean, the horses, and myself. it was my first time being away from nalcoah for a few hours. the first time to myself in two months. filled with emotions. already missing her but feeling a strange relief of being myself in all my favorite ways. swimming naked in the salt water, dancing on the empty shores and roaming with the wild horses. covered in sand from head to toe. a mess in all the best ways. worshipping, dreaming, filling up so i can pour out more and more.

i hope you enjoy these images and can maybe feel the immensity that they are for me.



Elisabeth Yoder

These are some of my favorite images of yours. It is so beautiful to see the art that emerged from being "a mess in all the best ways."


Ah! I love this set. Wow. It is moving.