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I'm going to be making things a little easier with the way my link system works, as you all know I have to send my links out manually because of my content being stolen and up until this point I have been trying to send passwords out as often as I can. A lot of people especially new Patrons will not get the link upon subscribing to me which can lead to frustration in not being able to view my content right away.

SO! with that I have set up a welcome message for both my Marshmallow Tier and my Big Marshmallow Tier that will have an updated link and password set in it each week, so now whenever you subscribe to me or change tiers you will immediately receive the link and password for that week!

the password will continue to change each week as I said so the link you get through the welcome will only be valid for that week that you subscribe. Once the link gets updated you will receive the new link and password via your inbox when I send out the new ones like normal!

Hopefully this will relieve the issue of not getting to see my content right away when joining a tier for the first time, if for whatever reason you subscribe for the first time but don't see the link in the welcome message or the link does not work please do not hesitate to message me directly to ask for a link and password!


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