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Would any of you guys be interested in a stream slot tier? Basically it would be a limited tier (I'm thinking maybe like a max of 8-10 spots) and it would be $100 (the price of a stream commission) and it would have all the rewards of all the current tiers as well as guaranteeing the patrons in that tier 1 stream pic each month. (That doesn't mean you can only get 1 per month, if I have space available stream slots are typically first come first serve) 

I haven't decided if I'm gonna do it cuz I don't know if it's something any of you would be interested in but I know my streams are pretty popular and a lot of times my slots fill up pretty fast (I do still have slots for this week tho so if any of you are interested you can message me about one of the spots)

But yeah it was something I've been playing with for some time now and I figured the new year is a perfect time to bring it up and see if there's any intrigue. I used to have a similar tier back when I first started patreon but took it down because I overestimated the workload, but I have a much more streamlined workflow now lol



I haven’t had or perceived any issues with how you currently, so I wouldn’t say it’d be needed. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that I will definitely change to said tier if you made it


I would certainly be interested in this. I tend to get a stream comm from you once a month, so this would just be more convenient for me!