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Hey everyone

I'm really sorry that I have to write this post. But its important to keep you all updated since your support means everything to me.

This morning my dad collapsed in the bath tub and I had to pull him out and perform CPR on him until the ambulance came. They spent about 20 minutes doing idk what but not compressions and supposedly working on him (he was just laying on the floor while they fuddled with the AED which wouldnt shock) and they rushed him to the hospital 

When we got there they finally got him hooked up to the automatic CPR, told us there was nothing more they can do and pronounced him dead.

This all happened exactly one month before my mom's 2 year death anniversary on March 7th 

As the executor of the will I now have to basically handle everything on my own and I probably wont have time to post content. Frankly I dont even know if I can stay in my house cuz my dad refused to get life insurance so idk how I'm covering these bills 

Overall I'm in crisis mode and idk how long I'll BE in crisis mode so I understand if some of you want to unpledge and thank you in advance to any who stay



I don’t know what to say to you but I give you my deepest condolences…. Hang tight. Life in these moments is a bitch but it’s in these same moments where you see your true self…. Im not gonna unpledge cause you gave me so much “entertaining” ;) content through the years, and I’m not gonna leave now. Hang tight ❤️


That really means a lot thank you. It's not enough that my dad died suddenly but now there seems to be some fishy shit goin on with the EMT and ER staff that seems like they're trying to cover their asses because several steps were missed during crucial moments that may have potentially saved my dad's life. During the initial on scene visit there were several moments where no one had their hands on my dad and he was just laying there when the first rule about CPR is you do it mon stop until you can either revive the patient or get them hooked up to an automatic machine. Also the AED apparently wasnt working right because several of the EMT's on scene were heard and seen messing with and asking if the machine was working when those machines are supposed to be checked like once a week my EMT friends tell me. And lastly he was diabetic and on 3-4 different medications which is weird and were trying to get medical records and last known dr signoffs because we want an autopsy done cuz they're saying 52 years old is old meanwhile every other medical person I know (including my dad's BF who found him and several family members) are disagreeing that 52 is still considered young, wo now we have to pay $6k to get a private autopsy done because the Medical Examiner is claiming cause of death was "Cardiac Death"