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Hey guys I just wanna give a heads up and inform you all that I may not be able to do the sketch pack this month. I know a lot of you guys can only pledge one month at a time so if you pledged expecting a pack and cant next month please just send me a message and I'll be sure to send you the pack next month as a replacement in PM. I'm still going to make this month's Archive available to all tiers and then switch it to $5 and up August 1st but I'm in serious need of a break 

I've been wrestling myself mentally all day deciding whether or not I should take some time off but after tonight and what my dad put my sister and I through I really just can't do this right now I just need like a week max to compose myself

I know some of you will be upset and leave and I truly am sorry I wish I could just suck it up like I usually do but I've spent most of my day today just crying and feeling like shit and then my dad just made everything worse for me an hour ago and sent me over the edge 

I appreciate each and every one of you guys and I'm sorry to those of you I let down this month I hope you can forgive me...



Dont worry about it. I really hope everything gets better for you soon


Ceebs the most important thing is that you be well. You're not an art machine, you're a person, those things happen and anyone being angry at you for this would be a shameful prick. Take care 💖


Lartse hit the nail on the head. There’s no need for you to apologise. You’re more important than your art, so please take all the time you need.


You take care Ceeb - come back when you're ready!


Take care, come back when you feel like it. Stay healthy, physically and mentally, and always put yourself first before thinking about online-peeps. It doesn't help anybody if you try to keep everyone happy today and break tomorrow. Instead *take* a break today and come back with more power later. :)


I see this a bit late but please take care of yourself <3