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"Where's the CEO" the half-demon demanded; his voice rumbling the very framework of the building. It was less of a question and more of a statement. A statement of which no one dared ignore. With their eyes wide, and jaws gaping, they all pointed to the floors above.

Zephyr turned his gaze to the office lead who's mug sat limp at his side, coffee flowing like a hot caffeinated flume, only wavering by the quaking bones of his fear riddled hands.

The behemoth eye blinked and began ascending followed by his round button nose and finally his mouth. He stopped almost as if to show the workers the treat he held pressed between his tongue and palate, revealing a greasy looking man in a suit who begged and pleaded for his life. "P-please! I-I'll give them all raises I swear, honest!" But before he had a chance to continue he was pushed back by the slimy forked tongue. His panicked screams and pointless flailing cut short by a deafening "glrk".

The workers peered out the windows at the titanic demon frozen in fear as they watched the edges of his mouth curl into a smirk. The gap in his teeth showing nothing but the man's tie glued to the surface of his tongue. Before any of them had a chance to guess the demon's intentions he let out a small breath of air, a chuckle really, and he parted his lips to speak. "What's that expression everyone says? 'Eat the rich?' Heh yeah..."




the MOOD this exudes, wow <3