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And by trash I mean horny art >:3

Do you guys have any preferences for this month's patreon exclusive(s) whether it be character wise, or scenario wise? Not sure what characters are considered hip, cool, and sexi this month, but I know Doomer Boy has sure been a hit lmaooo.

Secondly I'll be revamping how things work around here over the next few months! Tiers will most likely remain the same but I'm gonna focus on promoting and delivering differently, I think I'm gonna do some kind of monthly folder type deal like I've seen other artists do, this way has actually FEEL like you're getting the products fueled by your support! Idk if that makes sense, but essentially I'm gonna work on making it feel more rewarding being a patron! Idk how exactly just yet but I appreciate you all a ton so I wanna figure it out ASAP ❤



I was really feeling that recent sketch you did of 2D. What about a Gorillaz-themed pack? (I prefer 2D and Murdoc, but you can include Russell too!)


Yeah!!! I also love your drawings of the Gods 👀


I actually already have a pack idea planned with Aphelio that's like Valentine's themed lol but I can try and squeeze out another 2D sketch 👀


I actually was thinking of doing a Zephyros and Apollo pack for March (Since March 22nd is the Vernal Equinox aka Zephyros day)
