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I need help lol I’m feelin a bit stumped on what to do for the sketches. I have the characters it’s Avatar themed but I’m not sure what you guys would wanna see like subject-wise? Like vore/feet/ass etc I’ll probably open the discussion in the discord server under the Patreon section for real-time feedback so if you guys are interested in adding your input be sure to check that out!

P.S. this pack is obviously for $10 and up but I’m keeping the discussion open for all you guys this way if I don’t get some ideas done for the pack I can use them later for a general pic <3



One of my favourites you’ve done (I think it was Conner) where he was bent over with a guy sinking into his asshole... that was good shit...


Yeah, I'm with Kory on this one. More ass! Ass in any form is going to be a winner!


Well so far I've definitely already got an ass idea for Tonraq so I gotchus 😉


You could have one of avatar Wan stepping on some people. With Sokka a mini fan club form to worship him


Maybe something with Wan bullying Aang showing whose the best avatar?


There’s also Jet with his irrational hatred of the fire nation. You could do a macro reimagining of him flooding that fire nation village sucessfully or attacking an undercover Zuko. There’s also Toph’s grandsons, the twins in particular, and Bolin. Mako I can’t think of anything other than possibly a bit of revenge on an older Kai or vice versa.