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What would you guys wanna see for next month’s sketches? I’d like to start doing an extra sketch for you guys in the Patron and Brute tiers to have early access to, one that directly relates to the pack!

It can be MY OCs or R34, etc! And feel free to start using the community tab! I wanna hear more of what you all have to say!



R34, huh? Throwing in 9S as character suggestion~

Leng Uvumi

Can never go wrong seein' some more Zephyr ass. >//>

Rogue Megawolf

There ain't enough li'l people getting crushed in a big guy's hand.


These are all good yes yes 🤔 I especially agree with you on there not being enough giant hand crushing, Rogue! Dont forget, you guys can post specific characters and scenarios with some in depth details for me on this google form! Just put (Patreon) before the character name so I know it's one of you guys! https://forms.gle/JF1jJxS8Eh58z1Sb8


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/ZiOfzg1fOzMBwi_HvRRXBNSvO8iuPgyebNogNSnPKF6SiqAnru7bgeThXtsH04K2.jpg?token-time=1629244800&token-hash=QPIyLHejuN7Sx12TObF5e7e8cPJ3jzYGHQ7AS5UeE7A%3D">


Ya know, as much as I love all your work and everything you put out (as in I trust you to make something amazing), it was the Brody previews that sent me running to the pledge button! ❤️


I would very much enjoy seeing more Lars stuff!