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Whaddya guys wanna see for the April sketch pack? More of my OCs? R34? Leave some suggestions below!


Matty Burr

We talked about it before, but I’ll say it again: Ace Attorney


Reas sketch pack :3


Oooooh now that I think about it I havent done much with him in the packs!


So I actually had the idea of Conner doing a series of pics during a livestream would you guys like that? I'll have to think of a set for Reas

Jimmy Fallen

Well I love the recent Tavros pics and really enjoy you drawing playful/teasing giants. Also Conner is a fav of mine, especially with vore and thumb-sized tinies ^^


Ya the idea I had includes vore and they ate about thumb sized!

Jimmy Fallen

(didn't have the comments refreshed so I didn't see your idea before commenting, sorry) Sounds hella great X3

Ras Halcyon

B u g s B u n n y