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Arlan got some -probably- reliable Intel that the Antimatter Legion was on this pebble-I mean planet and honestly its so small it really isn't worth the effort of Shrinking a group of researchers down and sending them to investigate.

So Arlan, being head of security, is taking matters into his own hands-er feet, and dealing with the problem himself. Sure there may well be a research team down there but he sent a message to return an hr ago and he's got things to do, they'll just have to be sacrificed for the greater good

With the suspect planet taken care of in one clean crunch, Arlan can finally get back to work punishing the researchers who let the Legion infiltrate the space station in the first place. Unfortunately for them, their fate is the same as this planet…



Agent Eckswhy

He's on a time crunch and they do not pay overtime, I get it