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Hey guys!

So I've been putting off changing too much with the patreon tiers for a while cuz truthfully, I hate dealing with pricing and stuff cuz I just wanna make art but in order to do so I need to earn a living to pay bills.

Honestly its no secret that my art has increased in quality over the years and thus the amount of time it takes me to make it has also increased and I set up the prices well over 3 years ago now when my art was a bit faster to make (that's me nicely saying it was trash lol) so I think I'm gonna switch to a $5, $10, $20, and $100 tier system, effectively merging the patron and brute tiers into one $5 Tier and removing the $40 tier since it's kinda redundant and replacing it with a higher priced tier with -what I think is- a good reward locked behind a limited quantity.

I'm curious what you guys think but currently this is the idea for the new tiers:

-The Brute ($5) - early access to all art with hi res downloads, as well as access to polls and the discord server

-The Joker ($10 - same rewards as Patron + the monochrome version of the art packs

-The Alchemist($20) - all the rewards of the other tiers + the fully Colored version of the art packs as well as the sped up process videos (this tier is pretty much the same as the current Alchemist)

-The Oracle ($100) - limited to a certain quantity between 5-10 (gonna open or close them over time while I figure out what is a good amount), and gets all the benefits of prior tiers + a base priced Colored Sketch (single character and simple BG)

I'm also going to work on adding to the server since it needs some livening up. I haven't been around in there too much due to a lot of stuff going on in my life outside of Social Media/CBL stuff (a frustrating amount of which were medical issues) but I have some friends giving me suggestions and offering to moderate for me so that will be a gradual process!

As always, I appreciate the support from every single one of you so I hope these changes are acceptable🙏. I've tried making it beneficial for everyone who may not want to change tiers and stuff, but with the prices of everything going up its killing me and my patreon isn't helping like it used to. The amount of work going into the content isn't returning on investment so I'm kinda forced to make some changes -which sucks tbh- butt hats why I wanna share with you guys and give plenty of time for any discussion on this since the earliest I'll implement this is probably the end of this month!

Thanks as always and I hope you guys have enjoyed the recent art and look forward to the stuff coming! ❤️



I think the changes are overdue! What you've outlined sounds really sensible and I know I won't be the only one who thinks your art is worth the extra support. As you know I'd really be interested in that top tier - I hope others are too!


That sounds about right, yeah!