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Tonight, I am going to pour myself a celebratory tumbler of Jameson, settle onto the couch, and relax with some Destiny, the first real night to game I've had in weeks. What am I celebrating? The fact that yours truly just inked the very last line on the very last page of the first issue of Ethan and Lucas' new adventure. With that, the bulk of my work on this issue is concluded. After wrapping up a few other commitments this week, I will dive into preliminary production on Issue #2 of both Ethan and Lucas and The Starcaster Chronicles, while I oversee the coloring process on this issue. So our current status for Issue One now stands at: Penciled- 28/28 Inked- 28/28 Flatted- 6/28 Colored- 0/28 As you can see, I have a flatter laying initial colors while I audition and hire a colorist for this project. Once said colorist starts working, I should be able to offer you a more concrete release window. But for now, I feel confident in saying: "Definitely October." I'll update you again in a couple of weeks, and as always, massive thanks from the bottom of my heart for your generous patronage :)



Sounds great :) What does it mean to flat/flatten a comic?

Dennis Keithly

Congrats on the progress. I can't wait to see the reboot of Ethan and Lucas. Your comics are better than ever. Keep up the good work.